- shekel
- [ʹʃek(ə)l] n
1. др.-евр.1) сикель (мера веса)2) сребреник (монета)2. шекель (денежная единица Израиля)3. pl обыкн. шутл. деньги
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
SHEKEL — SHEKEL, coin minted in Ereẓ Israel. Shekel Originally the shekel was a unit of weight for means of payment in gold and silver. In the third millennium B.C.E. one already finds this unit of weight in Babylonia, weighing there 8.4 grams; it was… … Encyclopedia of Judaism
Shékel — Shekel ¤ • Les symboles monétaires Monnaies en circulation ฿ • B/. • ₵ • ¢ • ₡ • Kč • … Wikipédia en Français
shekel — [ ʃekɛl ] n. m. • 1980; mot hébr. « pesée, poids » puis « monnaie » (→ sicle) ♦ Unité monétaire israélienne. On écrirait mieux shékel. ● shekel nom masculin Unité monétaire principale d Israël. shekel n. m. Unité monétaire de l état d Israël.… … Encyclopédie Universelle
Shekel — Shek el, n. [Heb. shegel, fr. sh[=a]gal to weigh.] 1. An ancient weight and coin used by the Jews and by other nations of the same stock. [1913 Webster] Note: A common estimate makes the shekel equal in weight to about 130 grains for gold, 224… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
shekel — CHEL/ s. m. unitatea monetară a statului Israel. (< fr. shekel) Trimis de raduborza, 15.09.2007. Sursa: MDN … Dicționar Român
shekel — (n.) early 13c., sicle, via Old French and Latin, from Heb. sheqel, from shaqal he weighed. Chief silver coin of ancient Hebrews, also a unit of weight. Modern form in English dates from mid 16c. As slang for money, it dates from 1871 … Etymology dictionary
shekel — ► NOUN 1) the basic monetary unit of modern Israel, equal to 100 agora. 2) (shekels) informal money; wealth. ORIGIN Hebrew … English terms dictionary
shekel — [shek′əl] n. [Heb < shakal, to weigh] 1. an ancient unit of weight used by Hebrews, Babylonians, etc., equal to about half an ounce 2. a half ounce gold or silver coin of the ancient Hebrews 3. the basic monetary unit of Israel: see the table… … English World dictionary
Shekel — Sheqel and Shekalim redirect here. For the currency of the State of Israel, see Israeli new shekel. For the Talmudic tractate, see Moed. Further information: Ancient Mesopotamian units of measurement Carthage shekel, circa 310–290 BC Shekel… … Wikipedia
Shekel — le symbole du Nouveau Shekel est constitué des lettres Shin et Het entremêlées. Le shekel hadash (en hébreu : שקל חדש, c’est à dire le nouveau shekel, abrégé ש ח dans le langage courant), ou shekalim au pluriel (prononcé shkalim … Wikipédia en Français
Shekel — Weight, the common standard both of weight and value among the Hebrews. It is estimated at 220 English grains, or a little more than half an ounce avoirdupois. The shekel of the sanctuary (Ex. 30:13; Num. 3:47) was equal to twenty gerahs (Ezek … Easton's Bible Dictionary