- shearling
- [ʹʃıəlıŋ] n
1. овца, стриженная в первый раз2. короткая шерсть, состриженная перед забоем овцы3. овчина-голяк (выделанная с сохранением шерсти)4. 1) шубная овчина2) стриженый мех
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Shearling — is a sheepskin or lambskin pelt that has gone through a limited shearing process to obtain a uniform depth of the wool fibers for a uniform look and feel. Contrary to misconceptions, shearling is not sheared wool; the term refers to the pelt of a … Wikipedia
Shearling — Shear ling, n. A sheep but once sheared. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
shearling — /ˈʃerlin(g), ingl. ˈʃɪəlɪŋ/ [comp. ingl. di to shear «tosare» e della terminazione di appartenenza a un gruppo ling] s. m. inv. pelle di montone □ cappotto di montone, giacca di montone … Sinonimi e Contrari. Terza edizione
shearling — [shir′liŋ] n. [see SHEAR & LING1] 1. a sheep that has been sheared once, usually a yearling 2. tanned sheepskin or lambskin from an animal killed not long after being sheared … English World dictionary
shearling — shear·ling s.m.inv. ES ingl. {{wmetafile0}} pelle di montone conciata e trattata con parte del vello, usata nell industria dell abbigliamento: un giaccone di shearling | estens., capo di vestiario confezionato con tale pelle: comprarsi uno… … Dizionario italiano
shearling — noun a) A sheep that has been shorn for the first time Her coat was lined with shearling. b) A sheepskin or lambskin that has gone through a limited shearing process so that the fibers are of uniform depth … Wiktionary
shearling — n. 1 a sheep that has been shorn once. 2 wool from a shearling … Useful english dictionary
shearling — noun Date: 14th century skin from a recently sheared sheep or lamb that has been tanned and dressed with the wool left on … New Collegiate Dictionary
shearling — /shear ling/, n. 1. Chiefly Brit. a yearling sheep that has been shorn once. 2. short wool pulled from such a sheep. 3. the skin from a recently shorn sheep or lamb, tanned with the wool still on it. [1350 1400; ME scherling. See SHEAR, LING1] *… … Universalium
shearling — one year old sheep Unusual Animals … Phrontistery dictionary
shearling — noun a sheep that has been shorn once. ↘wool or fleece from such a sheep. ↘chiefly US a coat made from such wool … English new terms dictionary