
[ʹʃeıvə] n
1. брадобрей, цирюльник
2. бритва, особ. электрическая
3. бреющийся
4. сл. плут, мошенник
5. шутл. молокосос, юнец

young /little/ shaver - мальчишка

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "shaver" в других словарях:

  • Shaver — steht für: die englische Bezeichnung für einen Rasierapparat Shaver (Arthroskopie), ein chirurgisches Instrument zur Abtragung von Weichgewebe Shaver ist der Familienname von: Billy Joe Shaver (* 1939), US amerikanischer Schriftsteller,… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Shaver — means a person who shaves, or an object which shaves, a razor.It can also refer to: * a boy, as a slang term for shaveling * Shaver Creek, a tributary of the Juniata River in Huntingdon County, Pennsylvania * Richard Sharpe Shaver, American… …   Wikipedia

  • Shaver — Shav er, n. 1. One who shaves; one whose occupation is to shave. [1913 Webster] 2. One who is close in bargains; a sharper. Swift. [1913 Webster] 3. One who fleeces; a pillager; a plunderer. [1913 Webster] By these shavers the Turks were stripped …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • shaver — ► NOUN 1) an electric razor. 2) informal, dated a young lad …   English terms dictionary

  • shaver — [shā′vər] n. 1. a person who shaves 2. an instrument used in shaving, esp. a device with a small electric motor that operates a set of vibrating or rotating cutters 3. Informal a boy; lad 4. Archaic a person who is hard or grasping in bargaining …   English World dictionary

  • shaver — UK [ˈʃeɪvə(r)] / US [ˈʃeɪvər] noun [countable] Word forms shaver : singular shaver plural shavers a small piece of electrical equipment that is used for cutting hair from a part of your body …   English dictionary

  • shaver — shav|er [ˈʃeıvə US ər] n a small piece of electrical equipment used for shaving ▪ He uses an electric shaver …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • shaver — [[t]ʃe͟ɪvə(r)[/t]] shavers N COUNT: oft adj N A shaver is an electric device, used for shaving hair from the face and body. s electric shavers …   English dictionary

  • shaver — /ˈʃeɪvə/ (say shayvuh) noun 1. someone who shaves. 2. that which shaves: electric shaver. 3. Colloquial a youngster; young boy. 4. someone who makes close bargains or is extortionate …  

  • shaver — sha|ver sb., en, e, ne (elektrisk barbermaskine), i sms. shaver , fx shaverstik …   Dansk ordbog

  • shaver —  Fellow. Usu. young shaver Mischievous boy …   A concise dictionary of English slang

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