- sharper
- [ʹʃɑ:pə] n
1. см. sharp IV + -er2. 1) жулик; обманщик, плут; мошенник2) шулер (тж. card sharper)
sharper's tools - а) сл. дураки; б) игральные кости
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
sharper's tools - а) сл. дураки; б) игральные костиНовый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Sharper — Sharp er, n. A person who bargains closely, especially, one who cheats in bargains; a swinder; also, a cheating gamester. [1913 Webster] Sharpers, as pikes, prey upon their own kind. L Estrange. [1913 Webster] Syn: Swindler; cheat; deceiver;… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
sharper — index bettor Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
sharper — [shär′pər] n. a person, esp. a gambler, who is dishonest in dealing with others; cheat; swindler … English World dictionary
Sharper — A sharper is an older term, common since the seventeenth century, for thieves who use trickery to part an owner with his or her money possessions. Sharpers vary from what we now call con men by virtue of the simplicity of their cons, which often… … Wikipedia
Sharper — Sharp Sharp, a. [Compar. {Sharper}; superl. {Sharpest}.] [OE. sharp, scharp, scarp, AS. scearp; akin to OS. skarp, LG. scharp, D. scherp, G. scharf, Dan. & Sw. skarp, Icel. skarpr. Cf. {Escarp}, {Scrape}, {Scorpion}.] 1. Having a very thin edge… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Sharper — Ths unusual name is of Anglo Saxon origin and is a variant of the nickname surname Sharp or Sharpe . The name was applied to someone considered to be sharp, quick or smart , and derives from the Olde English pre 7th Century word scearp , sharp,… … Surnames reference
sharper — sharp·er || ʃɑrpÉ™r /ʃɑËpÉ™ n. swindler, cheater; professional gambler ʃɑrp /ʃɑËp n. something sharp; sewing needle; sharper; swindler, cheater; professional gambler; musical tone half a step higher than a given note; mark indicating… … English contemporary dictionary
sharper — noun Date: 1681 cheat, swindler; especially a cheating gambler … New Collegiate Dictionary
sharper — /shahr peuhr/, n. 1. a shrewd swindler. 2. a professional gambler. Also, sharpie. [1560 70; SHARP + ER1] * * * … Universalium
sharper — noun a swindler; a cheat; a professional gambler who makes his living by cheating. Syn: chiseler, spiv … Wiktionary
sharper — Synonyms and related words: adventurer, betting ring, bettor, boneshaker, bunco artist, bunco steerer, cardshark, cardsharp, cardsharper, carpetbagger, cheat, compulsive gambler, con artist, con man, confidence man, crap shooter, crimp, defrauder … Moby Thesaurus