Shaper — Shap er, n. 1. One who shapes; as, the shaper of one s fortunes. [1913 Webster] The secret of those old shapers died with them. Lowell. [1913 Webster] 2. That which shapes; a machine for giving a particular form or outline to an object.… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Shaper — This article is about shapers designed for metal workpieces; for wood applications, see Wood shaper. : For a person who makes surfboards see Shaper (surfboard)A shaper is a machine tool used for shaping or surfacing metal and other materials.… … Wikipedia
Shaper — Les shapeurs ou shapers sont les artisans qui fabriquent les planches de surf. Ils travaillent dans un shaperoom. Le shape d une planche se fait le plus souvent à partir d un pain de mousse polyuréthane que le shaper va dégrossir, à l aide d… … Wikipédia en Français
shaper — noun a) person who designs and builds surfboards. He apprenticed with several notable Southern California shapers before packing his bags for Hawaii mdash; Tom Linker [ … Wiktionary
shaper — formuotuvas statusas T sritis automatika atitikmenys: angl. former; shaper vok. Former, m; Formierschaltung, f; Formierungseinrichtung, f; Formungseinheit, f rus. формирователь, m pranc. dispositif de formation, m; formateur, m … Automatikos terminų žodynas
shaper — See pulse shaper … Dictionary of automotive terms
shaper — shape ► NOUN 1) the external form or appearance of someone or something as produced by their outline. 2) a piece of material, paper, etc., made or cut in a particular form. 3) a particular condition or state: the house was in poor shape. 4) a… … English terms dictionary
Shaper/Mechanist universe — The Shaper/Mechanist universe is the setting for a series of science fiction short stories (and the novel Schismatrix ) written by the author Bruce Sterling. The stories combined cover approximately 350 years of future history, for the period… … Wikipedia
Shaper of Worlds — Superherobox| caption=Art by José Luis García López comic color = background:#ff8080 character name = The Shaper of Worlds publisher = Marvel Comics debut = Incredible Hulk #155 (Sep 1972) creators = Archie Goodwin and Herb Trimpe alliance color … Wikipedia
Shaper (surfboard) — A shaper is someone who builds and designs surfboards by hand. Originally made from wood, most modern surfboards are made from pre formed polyurethane blanks or styrofoam and then fine shaped by the shaper using an array of tools ranging from… … Wikipedia
shaper — noun see shape I … New Collegiate Dictionary