
1. [ʹʃæləʋ] n часто pl
мелкое место, мелководье, мель; отмель

the shallow of the river - брод

2. [ʹʃæləʋ] a
1. мелкий, мелководный; неглубокий

shallow stream - мелкий ручей

shallow sea - мелководное море

shallow tray - плоский поднос

shallow hole - неглубокая яма

shallow steps - пологие ступени

shallow lens - плоская линза

2. поверхностный, ограниченный; пустой

shallow analysis [mind] - поверхностный /неглубокий/ анализ [ум]

shallow thought - мелкая /пошлая/ мысль

shallow person - ограниченный /пустой/ человек

shallow generalizations - непродуманные обобщения

shallow policy - недальновидная политика

shallow argument - а) необоснованный довод; б) мелкий спор

she is too shallow to be touched by this - она слишком легкомысленна, чтобы её это задело /тронуло, взволновало/

where the water is shallow, no vessel will ride - где мелкая вода, никакое судно не пройдёт; ≅ по мелководью и утка не поплывёт

shallow streams /waters/ make most din - посл. мелкие ручейки звонко шумят; ≅ пустая бочка пуще гремит

3. [ʹʃæləʋ] v
1. мелеть
2. уменьшать глубину

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Смотреть что такое "shallow" в других словарях:

  • Shallow — Shal low, a. [Compar. {Shallower}; superl. {Shallowest}.] [OE. schalowe, probably originally, sloping or shelving; cf. Icel. skj[=a]lgr wry, squinting, AS. sceolh, D. & G. scheel, OHG. schelah. Cf. {Shelve} to slope, {Shoal} shallow.] 1. Not… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • shallow — [shal′ō] adj. [ME shalow < OE * scealw < IE base * (s)kel , to dry out > SHOAL2, Gr skellein] 1. not deep [a shallow lake] 2. lacking depth of character, intellect, or meaning; superficial 3. slight; weak [shallow breathing] …   English World dictionary

  • Shallow — Shal low, v. t. To make shallow. Sir T. Browne. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Shallow — Shal low, v. i. To become shallow, as water. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • shallow — [adj1] not deep cursory, depthless, empty, flat, hollow, inconsiderable, sand bar, shelf, shoal, slight, superficial, surface, trifling, trivial, unsound; concepts 737,777 Ant. deep shallow [adj2] unintelligent, ignorant cursory, empty, empty… …   New thesaurus

  • shallow — ► ADJECTIVE 1) of little depth. 2) not showing, requiring, or capable of serious thought. ► NOUN (shallows) ▪ a shallow area of water. DERIVATIVES shallowly adverb shallowness noun …   English terms dictionary

  • Shallow — Shal low, n. 1. A place in a body of water where the water is not deep; a shoal; a flat; a shelf. [1913 Webster] A swift stream is not heard in the channel, but upon shallows of gravel. Bacon. [1913 Webster] Dashed on the shallows of the moving… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • shallow — index barren, cursory, fatuous, frivolous, puerile, superficial, trivial, volatile Burton s Legal Thesaurus …   Law dictionary

  • shallow — (adj.) c.1400, schalowe not deep, probably from O.E. sceald (see SHOAL (Cf. shoal)). Of breathing, attested from 1875; of thought or feeling, superficial, first recorded 1580s. The noun, usually shallows, is first recorded 1570s, from the… …   Etymology dictionary

  • shallow — adj *superficial, cursory, uncritical Analogous words: slim, slight, slender, *thin: trivial, trifling, *petty, paltry: empty, hollow, idle, *vain …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • shallow — 01. The sign said, Warning: [Shallow] water Do Not Dive. 02. The children were wading around in the warm [shallow] water of the bay, trying to catch fish. 03. The body of an unknown man has been found in a [shallow] grave in a forested area on… …   Grammatical examples in English

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