
[ʹʃeıdı] a
1. тенистый

shady walk [grove] - тенистая тропинка [роща]

shady hat - шляпа с большими полями

to keep shady - держаться в тени

2. разг.
1) ненадёжный, сомнительный

a shady lot - ненадёжная компания

shady chances - сомнительные возможности /шансы/ (на удачу)

2) тёмный, подозрительный

shady transaction /business/ - тёмное /сомнительное/ дело

shady character /man/ - тёмная личность

shady lady - авантюристка

there is something shady about it - тут дело нечисто

3. плохой

shady egg - несвежее яйцо

she is on the shady side of forty [of fifty] - ей за сорок [за пятьдесят] (лет), ей больше сорока [пятидесяти] (лет)

to keep smb. shady - амер. сл. прятать, укрывать кого-л.

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "shady" в других словарях:

  • Shady — Shad y, a. [Compar. {Shadier}; superl. {Shadiest}.] 1. Abounding in shade or shades; overspread with shade; causing shade. [1913 Webster] The shady trees cover him with their shadow. Job. xl. 22. [1913 Webster] And Amaryllis fills the shady… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • shady — UK US /ˈʃeɪdi/ adjective INFORMAL DISAPPROVING ► likely to be illegal or dishonest: »The company got involved in some rather shady business deals. » We always felt he was a very shady character …   Financial and business terms

  • shady — [adj1] dark, covered adumbral, bosky, cloudy, cool, dim, dusky, indistinct, leafy, out of the sun*, screened, shaded, shadowed, shadowy, sheltered, umbrageous, umbrous, under a cloud, vague; concepts 485,617 Ant. bright, light, open shady [adj2]… …   New thesaurus

  • shady — [shā′dē] adj. shadier, shadiest 1. giving shade 2. shaded, as from the sun; full of shade 3. of darkness, secrecy, or concealment 4. Informal of questionable character or honesty on the shady side of beyond (a given age); older than …   English World dictionary

  • Shady — may refer to: * Eminem, a nickname * Shade * Şada, Azerbaijan …   Wikipedia

  • shady — index furtive, machiavellian, unethical Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …   Law dictionary

  • shady — (adj.) affording shade, 1570s, from SHADE (Cf. shade) (n.) + Y (Cf. y) (2). Meaning disreputable (1862) probably is from earlier university slang sense of of questionable merit, unreliable (1848). Related: Shadiness …   Etymology dictionary

  • shady — ► ADJECTIVE (shadier, shadiest) 1) situated in or full of shade. 2) giving shade. 3) informal of doubtful honesty or legality. DERIVATIVES shadiness noun …   English terms dictionary

  • shady — [[t]ʃe͟ɪdi[/t]] shadier, shadiest 1) ADJ GRADED You can describe a place as shady when you like the fact that it is sheltered from bright sunlight, for example by trees or buildings. After flowering, place the pot in a shady spot in the garden …   English dictionary

  • shady — shadily, adv. shadiness, n. /shay dee/, adj., shadier, shadiest. 1. abounding in shade; shaded: shady paths. 2. giving shade: a shady tree. 3. shadowy; indistinct; spectral. 4. of dubious character; rather disreputable: shady dealings …   Universalium

  • shady — shad|y [ˈʃeıdi] adj comparative shadier superlative shadiest 1.) protected from the sun or producing shade ▪ a shady street ▪ It was nice and shady under the trees. 2.) probably dishonest or illegal ▪ a shady character ▪ She s been involved in… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

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