
1> выправка, осанка
2> система, структура, организация
the set-up of the UN структура ООН
capitalist set-ups капиталистические системы
the economic set-up of our national life хозяйственный
(экономический) уклад нашей страны
a new set-up regarding the housing problem новая установка
в отношении жилищного вопроса
to readjust today's financial set-up перестроить современную
финансовую структуру
3> _разг. положение, ситуация, обстановка
queer set-up that! странное дело!
the whole stormy set-up was bad for my nerves вся эта
напряженная обстановка действовала мне на нервы
4> _кин. мизансцена, мизанкадр
5> _разг. план, заговор, интрига
some stupid and elaborate set-up какая-то глупая и запутанная
I've been working on this set-up for six months я разрабатывал
этот план шесть месяцев
6> _разг. прибор, куверт (в ресторане)
7> _сл. плохой боксер или борец
8> _сл. фальсифицированная встреча по боксу или борьбе (с
заранее определенным победителем)
9> _сл. легкая задача, пустячное дело
10> _ам. безалкогольный напиток, которым разбавляют спиртное;
с прицепом
11> _тех. наладка, настройка
12> полный состав ударных инструментов джаз-оркестра

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "setup" в других словарях:

  • Setup — may refer to: *Setup (music) *Installation (computer programs) *Racing setup, in auto racingee also*Setting (disambiguation) *Set (disambiguation) …   Wikipedia

  • setup — index content (structure), device (contrivance), method, order (arrangement) Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton …   Law dictionary

  • setup — /seˈtap, ingl. ˌsɛtˈʌp/ [vc. ingl. «installazione, avviamento»] s. m. inv. (elab.) installazione …   Sinonimi e Contrari. Terza edizione

  • setup — (izg. setȁp) m DEFINICIJA inform., v. instalacija (4) ETIMOLOGIJA engl …   Hrvatski jezični portal

  • setup — [set′up΄] n. 1. the way in which something is set up; specif., a) the plan, makeup, or arrangement, as of equipment, an organization, etc. b) the details of a situation, plan of action, etc. ☆ 2. bodily posture; carriage ☆ 3. the glass, ice, soda …   English World dictionary

  • setup — Applies mainly to convertible securities ( convertible security). arbitrage involving going long the convertible and short a certain percentage of the underlying common. Antithesis of Chinese hedge. Bloomberg Financial Dictionary * * * Ⅰ. setup… …   Financial and business terms

  • setup — 1. n. a place to live. □ She’s got a little setup over on Maple. □ This is a pretty nice setup. What’s the rent? 2. n. a scheme; a plot. (Underworld.) □ Okay, what’s the setup for the bank job? □ …   Dictionary of American slang and colloquial expressions

  • Setup — Set up auch: Set|up 〈[sɛtʌ̣p] n. 15; Sp.; Golf〉 Aufstellung zur Ausführung eines Schlages [engl., eigtl. „Aufbau, Anlage“] * * * Set up, Set|up [ zɛt|ap, auch: sɛtɑp], das; s, s [engl. set up, zu: to set up = aufbauen, einstellen]: 1. (EDV) …   Universal-Lexikon

  • setup — /set up /, n. 1. organization; arrangement. 2. an act or instance of setting up or getting ready: The setup of the lights and camera took most of the morning. 3. the carriage of the body; bearing. 4. a camera position, as for a particular shot. 5 …   Universalium

  • setup — In the sense of an easy victory or an opponent easy to defeat, setup is slangy and informal: This game will be a setup for our team. Setup is also widely used to refer to anything related to organization, circumstances, or conditions: What s the… …   Dictionary of problem words and expressions

  • setup — {n. phr.} (stress on set ) 1. Arrangement, management, circumstances. * /Boy, you really have a wonderful setup in your office!/ * /I just can t do my work in such a messy setup!/ 2. Financial arrangement. * /It is a fairly generous setup sending …   Dictionary of American idioms

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