- sesquicentennial
- 1. [͵seskwısenʹtenıəl] n амер. книжн.
стопятидесятилетняя годовщина2. [͵seskwısenʹtenıəl] a амер. книжн.полуторавековой
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
sesquicentennial — pertaining to a century and a half, 1880, from L. sesqui one and a half (from semis a half + que and ) + CENTENNIAL (Cf. centennial) (q.v.). First recorded ref. is to Baltimore s … Etymology dictionary
sesquicentennial — ☆ sesquicentennial [ses΄kwisen ten′ē əl, ses΄kwi senten′yəl ] adj. of or ending a period of 150 years n. a 150th anniversary or its commemoration … English World dictionary
sesquicentennial — noun Date: 1880 a 150th anniversary or its celebration • sesquicentennial adjective … New Collegiate Dictionary
sesquicentennial — 1. adjective /ˌsɛskwɪsɛnˈtɛniəl/ a) Occurring every 150 years b) Of, or relating to a sesquicentenary 2. noun /ˌsɛskwɪsɛnˈtɛniəl/ A 150th anniversary. The city celebrated its sesquicentennial last year … Wiktionary
sesquicentennial — n. & adj. n. = SESQUICENTENARY. adj. of or relating to a sesquicentennial … Useful english dictionary
Sesquicentennial Park — is an urban park in downtown Houston, Texas. Established in 1989 along the banks of Buffalo Bayou, the convert|22.5|acre|m2|sing=on park was established in 1986 to commemorate the 150 year founding anniversary of the city of Houston and of Texas… … Wikipedia
Sesquicentennial State Park — South Carolina State Parks name= Sesquicentennial State Park caption= built= 1937 area= convert|1419|acre|km2 closest town= Columbia, SC camping sites= Regular campgrounds and RV sites are available hiking trails= other info= Features include: an … Wikipedia
Sesquicentennial Exposition — The honor of hosting this celebration was awarded to Philadelphia in 1921. Initial grand plans were scaled down tremendously by the time the fair opened. The original director of the exposition, Colonel David C. Collier, resigned in protest over… … Wikipedia
sesquicentennial — sesquicentennially, adv. /ses kwi sen ten ee euhl/, adj. 1. pertaining to or marking the completion of a period of 150 years. n. 2. a 150th anniversary or its celebration. [1875 80, Amer.; SESQUI + CENTENNIAL] * * * … Universalium
sesquicentennial — Synonyms and related words: C, anniversary, annual holiday, bicentenary, bicentennial, biennial, birthday, bissextile day, cental, centare, centenarian, centenary, centennial, centennium, centigram, centimeter, centipede, centistere, centred,… … Moby Thesaurus
sesquicentennial — n. 150th anniversary adj. pertaining to a period of 150 years; pertaining to the celebration of a 150th anniversary … English contemporary dictionary