- sesamoid bone
- [ʹsesəmɔıdbəʋn] мед., вет.
сесамовидная кость
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Sesamoid bone — Bone: Sesamoid bone Sagittal section of right knee joint … Wikipedia
Sesamoid bone — A little bone embedded in a joint capsule or tendon. The kneecap (patella) is a sesamoid bone. * * * an oval nodule of bone that lies within a tendon and slides over another bony surface. The patella (kneecap) and certain bones in the hand and… … Medical dictionary
sesamoid bone — an oval nodule of bone that lies within a tendon and slides over another bony surface. The patella (kneecap) and certain bones in the hand and foot are sesamoid bones … The new mediacal dictionary
sesamoid bone — noun any of several small round bones formed in a tendon where it passes over a joint • Syn: ↑sesamoid, ↑os sesamoideum • Hypernyms: ↑bone, ↑os • Hyponyms: ↑patella, ↑kneecap, ↑ … Useful english dictionary
sesamoid bone — a supernumerary bone formed from a fragment of an existing bone or by a new ossification; see above … Dictionary of ichthyology
sesamoid bone — noun A small bone embedded within a tendon, typically found in locations where a tendon passes over a joint. Syn: os sesamoideum … Wiktionary
Sesamoid — Ses a*moid, n. (Anat.) A sesamoid bone or cartilage. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
sesamoid — 1. Resembling in size or shape a grain of sesame. 2. Denoting a s. bone. [G. sesamoeides, like sesame] * * * ses·a·moid ses ə .mȯid adj of, relating to, or being a nodular mass of bone or cartilage in a tendon esp. at a joint or bony prominence… … Medical dictionary
sesamoid — 1. adjective a) Resembling a sesame seed in size or shape. b) Of or relating to a sesamoid bone. 2. noun A sesamoid bone or sesamoid cartilage … Wiktionary
Bone, sesamoid — A little bone embedded in a joint capsule or tendon. The kneecap (patella) is a sesamoid bone … Medical dictionary
sesamoid — adj. & n. adj. shaped like a sesame seed; nodular (esp. of small independent bones developed in tendons passing over an angular structure such as the kneecap and the navicular bone). n. a sesamoid bone … Useful english dictionary