serological test

serological test
[͵sı(ə)rəʹlɒdʒık(ə)lʹtest] бот.
серологическая реакция

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "serological test" в других словарях:

  • serological test — ▪ medicine       any of several laboratory procedures carried out on a sample of blood serum (serum), the clear liquid that separates from the blood when it is allowed to clot. The purpose of such a test is to detect serum antibodies or antibody… …   Universalium

  • serological test — A laboratory test required in many states to determine the presence of venereal disease prior to marriage …   Black's law dictionary

  • serological — se·ro·log·i·cal .sir ə läj i kəl or se·ro·log·ic ik adj of, relating to, or employing the methods of serology <a serological test> se·ro·log·i·cal·ly i k(ə )lē adv …   Medical dictionary

  • serological blood test — A blood test to determine type or group, of a special value in cases of disputed paternity because, although it cannot indicate with precision that a particular person is the father of the child whose paternity is in issue, in many instances it… …   Ballentine's law dictionary

  • Widal test — The Widal test is a presumptive serological test for Enteric fever or Undulant fever. In case of Salmonella infections, it is a demonstration of agglutinating antibodies against antigens O somatic and H flagellar in the blood. For brucellosis,… …   Wikipedia

  • Direct agglutination test — A direct agglutination test (DAT) is any test that uses whole organisms as a means of looking for serum antibodies. The abbreviation, DAT, is most frequently used for the serological test for visceral leishmaniasis.[1] References ^ Sundar S,… …   Wikipedia

  • Schick test — shik n a serological test for susceptibility to diphtheria by cutaneous injection of a diluted diphtheria toxin that causes an area of reddening and induration in susceptible individuals Schick Béla (1877 1967) American pediatrician. In 1913… …   Medical dictionary

  • Frei test — frī n a serological test for the identification of lymphogranuloma venereum called also Frei skin test Frei Wilhelm Siegmund (1885 1943) German dermatologist. Frei did research in allergic diseases of the skin and experimental syphilis. He… …   Medical dictionary

  • blood test — n a test of the blood (as a serological test for syphilis) * * * any test designed to discover abnormalities in a sample of a person s blood, such as the presence of alcohol, drugs, or bacteria, or to determine the blood group …   Medical dictionary

  • precipitin test — n a serological test using a precipitin reaction to detect the presence of a specific antigen specif a test used in criminology for determining the human or other source of a blood stain * * * any serologic test based on a precipitin reaction… …   Medical dictionary

  • Treponema pallidum immobilization test — Treponema pal·li·dum immobilization test pal əd əm n a serological test for syphilis in which a solution containing the living causative spirochete (Treponema pallidum) is combined with serum in the presence of complement with immobilization of… …   Medical dictionary

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