
[ʹsı(ə)rıəs] a
1. серьёзный; глубокомысленный

serious worker - серьёзный работник

serious mind - глубокий ум

serious reading - серьёзная литература

serious range - воен. действительная дальность

to be serious about smth. - серьёзно относиться к чему-л.

to become serious - стать серьёзным

to be in a serious mood - быть серьёзно настроенным

to look serious - иметь серьёзный вид

to give smth. a serious thought - а) серьёзно о чём-л. подумать; б) принять что-л. всерьёз

you can't be serious - вы, наверное, шутите

I'm serious - я не шучу, я говорю серьёзно

he's never serious - он ко всему относится легко

2. важный

serious thought [matter] - важная /серьёзная/ мысль [-ый вопрос]

serious objections - существенные /серьёзные/ возражения

3. внушающий опасения, опасный

serious illness [mistake] - опасная болезнь [ошибка]

serious wound - тяжёлое ранение

things are becoming serious - положение становится угрожающим; положение осложняется

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "serious" в других словарях:

  • serious — I (devoted) adjective ardent, assiduous, decided, dedicated, determined, devout, dogged, dutiful, eager, earnest, faithful, fervent, firm, fixed, intent, loyal, passionate, purposeful, relentless, resolute, resolved, settled, sincere, steadfast,… …   Law dictionary

  • serious — serious, grave, solemn, somber, sedate, staid, sober, earnest may be applied to persons, their looks, or their acts with the meaning not light or frivolous but actually or seemingly weighed down by deep thought, heavy cares, or purposive or… …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • serious — [sir′ē əs] adj. [ME seryows < ML seriosus < L serius, grave, orig., prob. weighty, heavy < ? IE base * swer > OE swær, heavy, sad, Goth swers, important, orig., heavy] 1. of, showing, having, or caused by earnestness or deep thought;… …   English World dictionary

  • Serious — may refer to: * Serious (Duran Duran song), a single from the album Liberty * Serious (Duffy song) the fourth single of her debut album. * Serious (Gwen song) , a song from Gwen Stefani s album Love. Angel. Music. Baby. * Serious (TV series) , a… …   Wikipedia

  • Serious — Se ri*ous, a. [L. serius: cf. F. s[ e]rieux, LL. seriosus.] 1. Grave in manner or disposition; earnest; thoughtful; solemn; not light, gay, or volatile. [1913 Webster] He is always serious, yet there is about his manner a graceful ease. Macaulay …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • serious — ► ADJECTIVE 1) demanding or characterized by careful consideration or application. 2) solemn or thoughtful. 3) sincere and in earnest, rather than joking or half hearted. 4) significant or worrying in terms of danger or risk: serious injury. 5)… …   English terms dictionary

  • serious — [adj1] somber, humorless austere, bound, bound and determined*, businesslike, cold sober*, contemplative, deadpan*, deliberate, determined, downbeat*, earnest, funereal, genuine, go for broke*, grave, grim, honest, intent, long faced*, meditative …   New thesaurus

  • serious — mid 15c., expressing earnest purpose or thought (of persons), from M.Fr. sérieux grave, earnest (14c.), from L.L. seriosus, from L. serius weighty, important, grave, probably from a PIE root *swer (Cf. Lith. sveriu to weigh, lift, svarus heavy; O …   Etymology dictionary

  • serious — se|ri|ous W1S1 [ˈsıəriəs US ˈsır ] adj ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 1¦(situation/problem)¦ 2 be serious 3¦(important)¦ 4¦(large amount)¦ 5¦(romantic relationship)¦ 6¦(person)¦ 7¦(sport/activity)¦ 8¦(very good)¦ 9¦(worried/unhappy)¦ ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ [ …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • serious — se|ri|ous [ sıriəs ] adjective *** ▸ 1 bad enough to worry you ▸ 2 deserving attention ▸ 3 not joking ▸ 4 careful and detailed ▸ 5 not laughing much ▸ 6 involving difficult ideas ▸ 7 involving strong feelings ▸ 8 caring about activity ▸ 9… …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • serious — adjective 1 SITUATION/PROBLEM a serious situation, problem, accident etc is extremely bad or dangerous: a serious illness | How serious do you think the situation is? | serious crime: The number of serious crimes has increased dramatically in the …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

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