- sericeous
- [sıʹrıʃəs] a зоол., бот.
шелковистый; покрытый шелковистым пушком
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Sericeous — Se*ri ceous, a. [L. sericus silken, sericum Seric stuff, silk, fr. Sericus belonging to the Seres, Gr. ???, a people of Eastern Asia, the modern Chinese, celebrated for their silken fabrics. Cf. {Silk}, {Serge} a woolen stuff.] 1. Of or… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
sericeous — [sə rish′əs] adj. [LL sericeus < L sericum, silken garment < sericus: see SERGE] 1. of or like silk; silky 2. Bot. covered with fine, silky hairs … English World dictionary
sericeous — adjective Etymology: Late Latin sericeus silken, from Latin sericum silk garment, silk, from neuter of sericus silken, from Greek sērikos, from Sēres, an eastern Asian people, probably the Chinese Date: circa 1777 covered with fine silky hair … New Collegiate Dictionary
sericeous — /si rish euhs/, adj. 1. silky. 2. covered with silky down, as a leaf. [1770 80; < L sericeus. See SERIC , EOUS] * * * … Universalium
sericeous — se·ri·ceous || sɪ rɪʃəs adj. silky; covered with silky hair; pubescent, (about a leaf) covered with soft downy hairs … English contemporary dictionary
sericeous — With fine hairs giving a silky texture, e.g. the cataphylls of Cycas diannanensis or the emerging leaves of Zamia hamannii. See also hirsute, lanate, pilose, pubescent, tomentose. Cf. glabrous, nitidus … Expanded glossary of Cycad terms
sericeous — se·ri·ceous … English syllables
sericeous — se•ri•ceous [[t]sɪˈrɪʃ əs[/t]] adj. 1) silky 2) bot covered with silky down, as a leaf • Etymology: 1770–80; < LL sēriceus < L sēric(us) Chinese, silken (< Gk sērikós, der. of Sḗr member of a Far Eastern people, appar. the Chinese) … From formal English to slang
sericeous — /səˈrɪʃəs/ (say suh rishuhs) adjective 1. silky. 2. covered with silky down, as a leaf. {Latin sēriceus} …
sericeous — adj. Bot. & Zool. covered with silky hairs. Etymology: LL sericeus silken … Useful english dictionary
Symphyotrichum sericeum — Taxobox name = Symphyotrichum sericeum image width = 250px regnum = Plantae divisio = Magnoliophyta classis = Magnoliopsida ordo = Asterales familia = Asteraceae tribus = Astereae genus = Symphyotrichum species = S. sericeum binomial =… … Wikipedia