sergeant major

sergeant major
1. амер. главный сержант
2. старшина (должность)

sergeant major's tea - сладкий чай с молоком и ромом

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "sergeant major" в других словарях:

  • Sergeant Major — ist ein Senior Non commissioned Officer (SNCO, etwa „Stabsunteroffizier“, s. Feldwebeldienstgrade) oder Warrant Officer, abhängig von den betrachteten Streitkräften. Inhaltsverzeichnis 1 Geschichte 1.1 Entstehung 1.2 Entwicklung in den USA …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Sergeant major — Sergeant Ser geant, n. [F. sergent, fr. L. serviens, entis, p. pr. of servire to serve. See {Serve}, and cf. {Servant}.] [Written also {serjeant}. Both spellings are authorized. In England {serjeant} is usually preferred, except for military… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • sergeant-major — sergeant māˈjor noun 1. Formerly, an officer of rank varying from major to major general 2. Now, the highest non commissioned officer (company sergeant major the senior warrant officer in a company; regimental sergeant major the senior warrant… …   Useful english dictionary

  • sergeant major — sergeant majors also sergeant major N COUNT; N TITLE; N VOC A sergeant major is a non commissioned army or marine officer of the highest rank …   English dictionary

  • sergeant major — n. pl. sergeants major 1. the chief administrative noncommissioned officer in a military headquarters: an occupational title and not a rank ☆ 2. U.S. Army U.S. Marine Corps the highest ranking noncommissioned officer 3. a small damselfish… …   English World dictionary

  • sergeant major — n a military rank …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • sergeant major — noun count a person of middle rank in the army, the U.S. Air Force and the U.S. MARINES …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • sergeant major — ► NOUN ▪ a warrant officer in the British army whose job is to assist the adjutant of a regiment or battalion or a subunit commander …   English terms dictionary

  • Sergeant major — For other uses, see Sergeant major (disambiguation). Common anglophone military ranks Navies Armies Air forces Officers Admiral of the fleet Marshal / …   Wikipedia

  • Sergeant Major — A Sergeant Major is a rank or appointment in many militaries around the world. In Commonwealth countries, Sergeants Major are usually appointments held by senior non commissioned officers or warrant officers. In the United States, there are… …   Wikipedia

  • sergeant major — UK / US noun [countable] Word forms sergeant major : singular sergeant major plural sergeant majors or sergeants major a person of middle rank in the army, the US Air Force, and the US Marines …   English dictionary

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