- serbian
- 1. [ʹsɜ:bıən] n
1. серб; сербка
the Serbians - собир. сербы
2. сербский язык2. [ʹsɜ:bıən] aсербский
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
the Serbians - собир. сербы
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Serbian — may refer to:* A member of the Serbs ethnic group * A citizen of Serbia * Serbian language * English translation for ambiguous word Srbijanci in Serbian language … Wikipedia
Serbian — Serbian, Mineral, so v.w. Miloschin … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
Serbian — [sʉr′bēən] adj. of Serbia or its people, language, or culture n. 1. the eastern variety of Serbo Croatian, traditionally written in the Cyrillic alphabet 2. SERB1 (n. 1) … English World dictionary
Serbian — noun Date: 1848 1. Serb 1 2. a south Slavic language spoken by the Serbian people • Serbian adjective … New Collegiate Dictionary
Serbian — 1. noun /ˈsɜː(r)biːən/ a) Serb b) A person from the Balkan country of Serbia. 2. adjective /ˈsɜː(r)biːən/ a) Of or pertaining to … Wiktionary
Serbian language — Serbian српски srpski Pronunciation [sr̩̂pskiː] Spoken in See below under Official status in Central and in immigrant communities in Western Eur … Wikipedia
Serbian Orthodox Church — Српска православна црква Srpska pravoslavna crkva Cathe … Wikipedia
Serbian mafia — Territory European Union, Serbia, Bosnia Herzegovina, Croatia, Montenegro, Macedonia, Norway. Ethnicity Serbs, Montenegrins Criminal activities Arms trafficking, Assassinations, Assault, Attempted murder, Auto theft … Wikipedia
Serbian World Congress — (Serbian: Srpski svetski kongres ) is a non profit, non governmental and non party international organization. The Serbian World Congress (SWC) aims to unite and network Serbian associations and institutions throughout the world so as to assist… … Wikipedia
Serbian American — Serbian American … Wikipedia
Serbian hip hop — refers to all genres of hip hop music in the Serbian language, mostly from Serbia, Republika Srpska (BiH), and Montenegro. The term is also sometimes used to refer to any hip hop music made by Serbs, including instrumental hip hop, as well as rap … Wikipedia