- septenarii
- [͵septıʹne(ə)rıaı] pl от septenarius
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
septenarius — noun (plural septenarii) Etymology: Latin, from septenarius of seven, from septeni seven each, from septem seven Date: 1819 a verse consisting of seven feet especially in Latin prosody … New Collegiate Dictionary
Plautus — For the Roman noble, see Rubellius Plautus. Plautus Born c. 254 BC Sarsina, Umbria Died 184 BC Rome … Wikipedia
Pervigilium Veneris — Pervigilium Veneris, the Vigil of Venus , is a Latin poem, probably written in the 4th century. It is generally thought to have been by one Tiberianus, due to strong similarities with the latter s poem Amnis ibat . It was written professedly in… … Wikipedia
Sponsus — or The Bridegroom is a medieval Latin and Occitan dramatic treatment of Jesus parable of the ten virgins. A liturgical play designed for Easter Vigil, it was composed probably in Gascony or western Languedoc in the mid eleventh century. Its… … Wikipedia
septenarius — /sep teuh nair ee euhs/, n., pl. septenarii / nair ee uy /. Pros. a verse consisting of seven feet, usually printed in two lines: used esp. in Latin poems. [1810 20; < L septenarius (see SEPTENARY)] * * * ▪ prosody Latin:“consisting of seven of… … Universalium
Publilius Syrus — ▪ Latin writer flourished 1st century BC Latin mime writer contemporary with Cicero, chiefly remembered for a collection of versified aphorisms that were extracted by scholars from his mimes, probably in the 1st century AD. Early… … Universalium
Reinhold Friedrich von Sahme — (* 21. April 1682 in Königsberg (Preußen); † 16. April 1753 ebenda) war ein deutscher Jurist. Inhaltsverzeichnis 1 Leben 2 Familie 3 Werke 4 … Deutsch Wikipedia
PLANETAE — I. PLANETAE Herodot. et Plinio, vide Planctae. II. PLANETAE stellae erraticae multis, Nigidio Errones dicti, apud A. Gellium, l. 14. c. 1. quinque antiquis tantum fuêre, a Veterib. Astrologis, in tres sectas, Chaldaicam, Aegyptiacam et Graecam… … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
SEPTEM — numerus plenitudinis et perfectionis in Sacris, de quo Eruditi passim. Graecis ἑπτὰ, quasi σεπτὰ, ut ipsis Pythagoraeis visum: σεπτὸν autem latinis sanctum et venerabile notat. Nempe, quoniam magnus rerum Opifex sanctificat diem septimum, Graeci… … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
septenarius — [ˌsɛptɪ nɛ:rɪəs] noun (plural septenarii rɪʌɪ) Prosody a verse line of seven feet, especially a trochaic or iambic tetrameter catalectic. Origin C19: from L., from septeni in sevens … English new terms dictionary
septenarius — n. (pl. septenarii) Prosody a verse of seven feet, esp. a trochaic or iambic tetrameter catalectic. Etymology: L f. septeni distributive of septem seven … Useful english dictionary