- beach umbrella
- [ʹbi:tʃʌmʹbrelə]
большой пляжный зонт
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
beach umbrella — ☆ beach umbrella n. a large umbrella used as a sunshade on beaches, in gardens, etc … English World dictionary
beach umbrella — noun : a large umbrella used to shade part of a beach, patio, or recreation area * * * a large umbrella used to provide shade on sunny beaches, lawns, etc. * * * beach umbrella, a large umbrella fitted with a pole for use at a bathing beach … Useful english dictionary
beach umbrella — пляжный зонт umbrella frame каркас зонта umbrella spray душ над зонтом bubble umbrella прозрачный зонт umbrella stand подставка для зонтов whose umbrella is this? чей это зонтик? … English-Russian travelling dictionary
beach umbrella — a large umbrella used to provide shade on sunny beaches, lawns, etc. * * * … Universalium
beach umbrella — /ˈbitʃ ʌmbrɛlə/ (say beech umbreluh) noun a large umbrella fixed by means of a spiked end into the sand, and providing shade for one or more people …
umbrella — noun ADJECTIVE ▪ rolled ▪ beach, sun ▪ golf ▪ nuclear, protective (both figurative) ▪ … Collocations dictionary
umbrella — n. 1) to open an umbrella 2) to fold (up) an umbrella 3) a beach umbrella 4) under an umbrella (also fig.) * * * [ʌm brelə] a beach umbrella to fold (up) an umbrella to open an umbrella under an umbrella (also fig.) … Combinatory dictionary
umbrella — um|brel|la [ʌmˈbrelə] n [Date: 1600 1700; : Italian; Origin: ombrella, from Latin umbella, from umbra; UMBRAGE] 1.) an object that you use to protect yourself against rain or hot sun. It consists of a circular folding frame covered in cloth… … Dictionary of contemporary English
umbrella — Synonyms and related words: aegis, agency, air cover, air raid, air support, arm guard, awning, backstop, beach umbrella, blind, bombing, brolly, buffer, bulwark, bumbershoot, bumper, chute, contraceptive, copyright, cover, coverage, crash helmet … Moby Thesaurus
umbrella — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) n. shade, screen; parasol, sunshade, bumbershoot; canopy, covering. II (Roget s IV) n. Syn. parasol, sunshade, beach umbrella, parapluie (French), bumbershoot*, brolly* (British). III (Roget s 3… … English dictionary for students
umbrella — n parasol, sunshade, beach umbrella, Fr. parapluie, Brit. Sl. brolly, Brit. Facetious. gamp, Inf. bumbershoot … A Note on the Style of the synonym finder