- septarium
- [sepʹte(ə)rıəm] n (pl -ia) геол.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Septarium — Sep*ta ri*um, n.;pl. {Septaria}. [NL., fr. L. septum, saeptum, an inclosure, a partition, fr. sepire, saepire, to inclose.] (Geol.) A flattened concretionary nodule, usually of limestone, intersected within by cracks which are often filled with… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
septarium — [sep ter′ē əm] n. pl. septaria [sep ter′ē ə] [ModL < L septum: see SEPTUM] a cementlike mass, as of limestone, with fissures filled with some other material, as calcite septarian adj … English World dictionary
septarium — septarian, adj. septariate /sep tair ee it/, adj. /sep tair ee euhm/, n., pl. septaria / tair ee euh/. Geol. a concretionary nodule or mass, usually of calcium carbonate or of argillaceous carbonate of iron, traversed within by a network of… … Universalium
septarium — /sɛpˈtɛəriəm/ (say sep tairreeuhm) noun (plural septaria /sɛpˈtɛəriə/ (say sep tairreeuh)) a concretionary nodule or mass, usually of calcium carbonate or of argillaceous carbonate of iron, traversed within by a network of cracks filled with… …
septarium — … Useful english dictionary
Septaria — Septarium Sep*ta ri*um, n.;pl. {Septaria}. [NL., fr. L. septum, saeptum, an inclosure, a partition, fr. sepire, saepire, to inclose.] (Geol.) A flattened concretionary nodule, usually of limestone, intersected within by cracks which are often… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
septarian — (ˈ)sep|ta(a)rēən adjective Etymology: New Latin septarium + English an : of, relating to, or being a septarium … Useful english dictionary
sep|tar|i|an — «sehp TAIR ee uhn», adjective. 1. of or having to do with a septarium. 2. containing a septarium … Useful english dictionary
sep|tar|i|um — «sehp TAIR ee uhm», noun, plural i|a « ee uh». Geology. a rounded lump of minerals occurring in layers, as in sand or clay. A septarium is usually of calcium carbonate or carbonate of iron, having a network of cracks filled with calcite and other … Useful english dictionary
septarian — See septarium. * * * … Universalium
σεπτάριο — το, Ν (πετρογρ.) μεγάλο σφαιροειδές σύγκριμμα με διάμετρο 80 90 εκατοστόμετρα, το οποίο αποτελείται, συνήθως, από αργιλούχα ανθρακικά ορυκτά και χαρακτηρίζεται από ένα σύστημα εσωτερικών ρωγμών που τό αποκόπτουν ακανόνιστα σε πολυγωνικά τεμάχη… … Dictionary of Greek