separate off — verb partition by means of a divider, such as a screen screen off this part of the room • Syn: ↑screen off • Hypernyms: ↑partition, ↑zone • Verb Frames: Somebody s something * * * … Useful english dictionary
separate — [adj1] disconnected abstracted, apart, apportioned, asunder, cut apart, cut in two, detached, disassociated, discrete, disembodied, disjointed, distant, distributed, disunited, divergent, divided, divorced, far between, free, independent, in… … New thesaurus
separate — sep·a·rate / se pə ˌrāt/ vb rat·ed, rat·ing vt: to cause the separation of vi: to undergo a separation the couple separated last year compare divorce Merriam Webster’s Dictionary of Law … Law dictionary
separate — [sep′ə rāt΄; ] for adj. & n., [sep′ə rit, sep′rit] vt. separated, separating [ME separaten < L separatus, pp. of separare, to separate < se , apart (see SECEDE) + parare, to arrange, PREPARE] 1. to set or put apart into sections, groups,… … English World dictionary
Off-Road Velociraptor Safari — Developer(s) Flashbang Studios Publisher(s) … Wikipedia
Off the Map (film) — Off the Map Theatrical release poster Directed by Campbell Scott Produced by Paul E. Cohen … Wikipedia
off|print — «AWF PRIHNT, OF », noun, verb. –n. a separate reprint of an article, story, or other short segment, originally printed as a part of a magazine or book; printed excerpt. –v.t. to reprint separately or as an excerpt … Useful english dictionary
separate — 1. adjective 1) his personal life was separate from his job Syn: unconnected, unrelated, different, distinct, discrete; detached, divorced, disconnected, independent, autonomous Ant: linked, interdependent 2) … Thesaurus of popular words
separate — v 1. part, divide, space, interspace, space out, set at intervals, set or keep apart; disentangle, pull apart, disconnect, disengage, disarticulate, uncouple, unyoke, disunite; intersect, bisect. 2. come between, intervene, interfere, interlope,… … A Note on the Style of the synonym finder
separate — 1. adjective 1) his personal life was separate from his job Syn: unconnected, unrelated, different, distinct, discrete, detached, divorced, disconnected, independent 2) the infirmary was separate from the school Syn … Synonyms and antonyms dictionary
separate — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) v. divide, disunite, disconnect, part, detach, sever, keep apart, isolate, segregate, sift, screen; part company. Ant., unite, connect. adj. disconnected, distinct, alone, isolate, unconnected,… … English dictionary for students