senior student

senior student
старший студент (в Оксфордском университете; имеет диплом другого вуза и зачисляется на второй курс) [см. тж. senior II 2, 1)]

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "senior student" в других словарях:

  • Student Affairs — staff are responsible for academic advising and support services delivery at colleges and universities in the United States and abroad. The chief student affairs officer at a college or university often reports directly to the chief executive of… …   Wikipedia

  • senior — 1. adjective 1) the senior students can get parking permits Syn: older, elder Ant: junior 2) a senior officer Syn: superior, higher ranking, high ranking, more important; top …   Thesaurus of popular words

  • senior — adj. & n. adj. 1 (often foll. by to) more or most advanced in age or standing. 2 of high or highest position. 3 (placed after a person s name) senior to another of the same name. 4 (of a school) having pupils in an older age range (esp. over 11) …   Useful english dictionary

  • Senior Prank Day — The Senior Prank is a tradition during the school year when the group of seniors or graduates of a school (and sometimes other students) get together and commit a highly organized school prank on the school staff and/or students. The Senior… …   Wikipedia

  • Senior Project — is an educational program designed to challenge high school and/or college seniors in Canada and the United States.Although largely successful, the program has drawn criticism from those who believe it is unnecessary. Students choose a topic of… …   Wikipedia

  • Student life at the University of Pennsylvania — has many traditions. Performing arts groups include The University of Pennsylvania Band, one of the oldest scramble bands in the country; there are also numerous student run theatre groups, including unique groups like the long running… …   Wikipedia

  • Student (newspaper) — Student is a weekly British independent newspaper produced by students at the University of Edinburgh. Founded in 1887 by author Robert Louis Stevenson, it is the oldest student newspaper in the United Kingdom and currently holds the title of… …   Wikipedia

  • Student rights — are those rights which protect students, here meaning those persons attending schools, universities and other educational institutions. The level of rights accorded to students, whether legally or by convention, varies considerably around the… …   Wikipedia

  • Senior Stick — is a title similar to President usually granted to heads of student associations at universities and colleges, notably Canadian ones. The term Senior Stick is also sometimes used to refer to the stick of office carried by a Senior Stick.tick of… …   Wikipedia

  • Senior Man — is a position held in some collegiate universities by the head of a college s JCR (the undergraduate student body). It is the equivalent of President . The Senior Man acts as the chief representative of the student body, as a figurehead for the… …   Wikipedia

  • Student activism — is work done by students to effect political, environmental, economic, or social change. It has often focused on making changes in schools, such as increasing student influence over curriculum or improving educational funding. In some settings,… …   Wikipedia

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