- semolina
- [͵seməʹli:nə] n кул.
1) семолина, крупка2) манная крупа
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Semolina — is the purified middlings of hard wheat used in making pasta; also, the coarse middlings used for breakfast cereals, puddings, and polenta. ProductionModern milling of wheat into flour is a system that employs grooved steel rollers. The rollers… … Wikipedia
Semolina — Sem o*li na, n. [It. semolino, from semola bran, L. simila the finest wheat flour. Cf. {Semoule}, {Simnel}.] The purified fine, hard parts of durum wheat, derived mostly from the endosperm, rounded by the attrition of the millstones, used in… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
semolina — 1797, alteration of It. semolino, dim. of semola bran, from L. simila the finest flour, probably from the same Semitic source as Gk. semidalis the finest flour (Cf. Assyrian samidu, Syrian semida fine meal ) … Etymology dictionary
semolina — s. f. Fécula de farinha de arroz … Dicionário da Língua Portuguesa
semolina — ► NOUN ▪ the hard grains left after the milling of flour, used in puddings and in pasta. ORIGIN Italian semolino, from semola bran … English terms dictionary
semolina — [sem΄ə lē′nə] n. [It semolino, dim. of semola, bran < L simila, finest wheat flour < ?] meal consisting of particles of coarsely ground durum (hard wheat), a byproduct in the manufacture of fine flour: used in making macaroni, puddings,… … English World dictionary
Sémolina — Jean Louis Aubert Pour les articles homonymes, voir Jean Louis, Aubert et Jean Louis Aubert (homonymie). Ne pas confondre avec Jean Louis Aubert (1731 1814) écrivain français … Wikipédia en Français
semolina — крупа; крупка second quality semolina крупка второго качества granulation of semolina крупность помола крупки first quality semolina крупка первого качества coarse reduction semolina шлифованная крупка long extraction semolina передирная крупка … English-Russian travelling dictionary
semolina — [18] Latin simila meant ‘fine flour’ (it has given English the simnel [13] of simnel cake, which originally denoted ‘bread made from fine flour’). From it was descended Italian semola ‘bran’, whose diminutive form semolino was adapted into… … The Hutchinson dictionary of word origins
semolina — [[t]se̱məli͟ːnə[/t]] N UNCOUNT Semolina consists of small hard grains of wheat that are used for making sweet puddings with milk and for making pasta … English dictionary
semolina — [18] Latin simila meant ‘fine flour’ (it has given English the simnel [13] of simnel cake, which originally denoted ‘bread made from fine flour’). From it was descended Italian semola ‘bran’, whose diminutive form semolino was adapted into… … Word origins