- acroterium
- [͵ækrə(ʋ)ʹterıəm] n (pl -ria) = acroter
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Acroterium — Ac ro*te ri*um ( [u^]m), n.; pl. {Acroteria}. [L., fr. Gr. akrwth rion summit, fr. a kros topmost.] (Arch.) (a) One of the small pedestals, for statues or other ornaments, placed on the apex and at the basal angles of a pediment. Acroteria are… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
acrotérium — ⇒ACROTÈRE, ACROTÉRIUM, subst. masc. ARCHIT. Socle disposé aux extrémités ou au sommet d un fronton ou d une colonne et servant de support à des statues, à des vases ou à d autres ornements. Rem. Attesté ds Ac. 1835, Ac. t. 1 1932, BESCH. 1845,… … Encyclopédie Universelle
acroterium — noun see acroterion * * * acroteral, acroterial, adj. /ak reuh tear ee euhm/, n., pl. acroteria / tear ee euh/. Archit. a pedestal for a sculpture or ornament at each base or at the apex of a pediment. [Latinization of ACROTERION] * * *… … Useful english dictionary
acroterium — acroteral, acroterial, adj. /ak reuh tear ee euhm/, n., pl. acroteria / tear ee euh/. Archit. a pedestal for a sculpture or ornament at each base or at the apex of a pediment. [Latinization of ACROTERION] * * * … Universalium
acroterium — ac·ro·te·ri·um … English syllables
acroterion or acroterium — In classical architecture, a figure or ornament usually at the apex of the pediment. Acroterion is the Greek spelling. Acroterium is the Latin spelling. (pr. AK ro TEE ri ?m) … Glossary of Art Terms
Acroteria — Acroterium Ac ro*te ri*um ( [u^]m), n.; pl. {Acroteria}. [L., fr. Gr. akrwth rion summit, fr. a kros topmost.] (Arch.) (a) One of the small pedestals, for statues or other ornaments, placed on the apex and at the basal angles of a pediment.… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
ACROTÈRE — Élément décoratif, géométrique, végétal ou figuré, placé au faîte et aux angles des édifices antiques et dont la silhouette se profilait sur le ciel. Dans l’architecture grecque, l’acrotère apparaît avec les temples primitifs de Crète où, dès la… … Encyclopédie Universelle
ak|ro|te|ri|on — «AK ruh TIHR ee uhn», noun, plural te|ri|a TIHR ee uh». = acroterium. (Cf. ↑acroterium) ╂[< Greek akrōtērion; see etym. under acroterium] … Useful english dictionary
Acroter — Ac ro*ter ([a^]k r[ o]*t[ e]r or [.a]*kr[=o]*t[ e]r), n. [F. acrot[ e]re. See {Acroterium}.] (Arch.) Same as {Acroterium}. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Acroterion — An acroterion or acroterium is an architectural ornament placed on a flat base called the acroter or plinth, and mounted at the apex of the pediment of a building in the Classical style. It may also be placed at the outer angles of the pediment;… … Wikipedia