

1> самоходный, самодвижущийся
self-propelled mount _воен. самоходная установка

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "selfpropelled" в других словарях:

  • Danish Division — (Danish: Danske Division), short DDIV, is the only remaining military land Division in Denmark. It is also the most potent single formation of the Danish armed forces. It was created January 1, 1997 as the successor of Jutland Division. It is one …   Wikipedia

  • Meyer locomotive — Diagram of Meyer articulation system A Meyer locomotive is a type of articulated locomotive. The design was never as popular as the Garratt or Mallet locomotives. It can be best regarded as 19th Century competition for the early compound Mallet… …   Wikipedia

  • Constitution of the State of Colorado — Location of the state of Colorado in the United States of America Main article: Law and Government of Colorado The Constitution of the State of Colorado is the foundation of the laws and government of the U.S. state of Colorado. The current, and… …   Wikipedia

  • Austrian Armed Forces — Bundesheer Roundel of the Bundesheer Founded November 8, 1918 Current form …   Wikipedia

  • BLINDÉS (MATÉRIELS) — Le 15 septembre 1916, à Flers, dans la Somme, neuf engins blindés britanniques, montés sur chenilles et appartenant à l’armée Rawlinson, faisaient irruption dans les lignes allemandes et y semaient la panique. Ils apportaient la réponse à ce… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • torpid — [17] Torpid was acquired from Latin torpidus, a derivative of torpēre ‘be stiff, numb, inactive, etc’. Also from torpēre came torpēdō, which was applied to a type of fish capable of producing an electric shock with which it numbs its prey.… …   The Hutchinson dictionary of word origins

  • Braun, Wernher von — 1912–1977    Braun, a trained rocket engineer, served as Minister of Agriculture in Papen’s government. At the age of 25 (1937) he was appointed Technical Director of the German Army’s Rocket Research Center at Peenemünde on the Baltic. Within a… …   Who’s Who in World War Two

  • torpid — [17] Torpid was acquired from Latin torpidus, a derivative of torpēre ‘be stiff, numb, inactive, etc’. Also from torpēre came torpēdō, which was applied to a type of fish capable of producing an electric shock with which it numbs its prey.… …   Word origins

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