

1> причиненный или нанесенный самому себе (об ударе, боли,
self-inflicted wound самострел

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "selfinflicted" в других словарях:

  • Jacob Kovco — Jacob (Jake) Bruce Kovco (born 25 September 1980, Melbourne; died 21 April 2006, Baghdad) was a Private (PTE) in the Australian Army who died while deployed in Iraq, fatally wounded by a single shot to the head from his own Browning 9mm sidearm.… …   Wikipedia

  • Golitsyn, Anatoli Mikhailovich — (1926– )    The most difficult and disruptive defector in the history of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), Golitsyn defected to the CIA station in Helsinki, Finland, on 15 December 1961. AKGB major at the time of his defection, Golitsyn was… …   Historical dictionary of Russian and Soviet Intelligence

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