- bawdy
- 1. [ʹbɔ:dı] n
непристойности2. [ʹbɔ:dı] a
to talk bawdy - говорить непристойности
непристойный, неприличный, похабный; грязный (об анекдоте и т. п.)
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
to talk bawdy - говорить непристойности
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Bawdy — Bawd y, a. 1. Dirty; foul; said of clothes. [Obs.] [1913 Webster] It [a garment] is al bawdy and to tore also. Chaucer. [1913 Webster] 2. Obscene; filthy; unchaste. A bawdy story. Burke. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
bawdy — late 14c., soiled, dirty, filthy. Meaning lewd is from 1510s, from BAWD (Cf. bawd) (q.v.), with sense of pertaining to, or befitting a bawd; usually of language (originally to talk bawdy). Bawdy Basket, the twenty third rank of canters, who carry … Etymology dictionary
bawdy — [bô′dē] adj. bawdier, bawdiest characteristic of a bawd; indecent or humorously coarse; lewd n. bawdy language bawdily adv. bawdiness n … English World dictionary
bawdy — index lascivious, lecherous, lewd, licentious, obscene, prurient, salacious, suggestive (risqué) Burton s … Law dictionary
bawdy — [adj] vulgar, dirty blue, cheap, coarse, erotic, gross, indecent, indecorous, indelicate, lascivious, lecherous, lewd, libidinous, licentious, lustful, obscene, off color, prurient, ribald, risqué, rude, salacious, suggestive; concept 545 Ant.… … New thesaurus
bawdy — ► ADJECTIVE (bawdier, bawdiest) ▪ humorously indecent. DERIVATIVES bawdiness noun … English terms dictionary
bawdy — UK [ˈbɔːdɪ] / US [ˈbɔdɪ] adjective Word forms bawdy : adjective bawdy comparative bawdier superlative bawdiest referring to sex in a humorous way bawdy songs Derived words: bawdily adverb bawdiness noun uncountable … English dictionary
bawdy — bawdily, adv. bawdiness, n. /baw dee/, adj., bawdier, bawdiest, n. adj. 1. indecent; lewd; obscene: another of his bawdy stories. n. 2. coarse or indecent talk or writing; bawdry; bawdiness: a collection of Elizabethan bawdy. [1505 15; BAWD + Y1] … Universalium
bawdy — adjective /ˈbɔːdi,ˈbɔdi/ a) Obscene; filthy; unchaste. Thou stynkyst all of the kychyn – thy clothis bene bawdy of the grece and talow. b) Of language: Sexual in nature and usually meant to be humorous but considered rude. See Also: bawdily … Wiktionary
bawdy — bawd|y [ˈbo:di US ˈbo:di] adj [Date: 1500 1600; Origin: bawd woman who works in or runs a brothel (14 19 centuries), perhaps from Old French baude confident and cheerful ] bawdy songs, jokes, stories etc are about sex and are funny, enjoyable,… … Dictionary of contemporary English
bawdy — [[t]bɔ͟ːdi[/t]] bawdier, bawdiest ADJ GRADED A bawdy story or joke contains humorous references to sex. [OLD FASHIONED] We got arrested once, for singing bawdy songs in a cemetery. Syn: lewd … English dictionary