- bauxite
- [ʹbɔ:ksaıt] n мин.
боксит, алюминиевая руда
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Bauxite — ou minerai d aluminium Bauxite (Hérault) avec des pisolites … Wikipédia en Français
Bauxite — is the most important aluminium ore. It consists largely of the minerals gibbsite Al(OH)3, boehmite γ AlO(OH), and diaspore α AlO(OH), together with the iron oxides goethite and hematite, the clay mineral kaolinite and small amounts of anatase… … Wikipedia
bauxite — [ boksit ] n. f. • 1847; des Baux de Provence ♦ Roche siliceuse alumineuse formée surtout d alumine, plus ou moins riche en oxydes de fer (bauxite rouge), en titane et en vanadium. La bauxite, principal minerai d aluminium. ● bauxite nom féminin… … Encyclopédie Universelle
Bauxite — Bauxite, AR U.S. town in Arkansas Population (2000): 432 Housing Units (2000): 171 Land area (2000): 2.392685 sq. miles (6.197025 sq. km) Water area (2000): 0.056432 sq. miles (0.146158 sq. km) Total area (2000): 2.449117 sq. miles (6.343183 sq.… … StarDict's U.S. Gazetteer Places
Bauxite, AR — U.S. town in Arkansas Population (2000): 432 Housing Units (2000): 171 Land area (2000): 2.392685 sq. miles (6.197025 sq. km) Water area (2000): 0.056432 sq. miles (0.146158 sq. km) Total area (2000): 2.449117 sq. miles (6.343183 sq. km) FIPS… … StarDict's U.S. Gazetteer Places
bauxite — 1861, clayey mineral containing aluminum, from Fr. bauxite (1821), from Les Baux, near Soles, where it was first found. The place name is from Prov. Li Baus, lit. the precipices … Etymology dictionary
Bauxite — Baux ite, Beauxite Beaux ite,n. [F., fr. Baux or Beaux, near Arles.] (Min.) A ferruginous hydrate of alumina. It is the most commonly used ore for the preparation of aluminum and alumina. It is also used for the lining of furnaces which are… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Bauxite — Bauxite. См. Боксит. (Источник: «Металлы и сплавы. Справочник.» Под редакцией Ю.П. Солнцева; НПО Профессионал , НПО Мир и семья ; Санкт Петербург, 2003 г.) … Словарь металлургических терминов
bauxite — s. f. [Mineralogia] Hidróxido de alumínio, filão desse metal. (Serve para descorar e dessulfurar gorduras minerais. A América do Sul satisfaz um quinto do consumo mundial de bauxita.) ‣ Etimologia: Baux, topônimo + ite ♦ Grafia no Brasil:… … Dicionário da Língua Portuguesa
bauxite — ► NOUN ▪ a clayey rock that is the chief ore of aluminium. ORIGIN from Les Baux, a village in SE France, where it was first found … English terms dictionary
bauxite — [bôks′īt΄, bō′zīt΄] n. [Fr, after (Les) Baux, town near Arles, France] a soft, claylike sedimentary rock, mainly hydrous aluminum hydroxide, that is the chief ore of aluminum … English World dictionary