- seignior
- [ʹseınjə] n
1. ист. феодал, сеньор2. аристократ, вельможа
Grand Seignior - ист. великий господин (титул турецкого султана)
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Grand Seignior - ист. великий господин (титул турецкого султана)Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Seignior — Seign ior, n. [OF. seignor, F. seigneur, cf. It. signore, Sp. se[ n]or from an objective case of L. senier elder. See {Senior}.] 1. A lord; the lord of a manor. [1913 Webster] 2. A title of honor or of address in the South of Europe,… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
seignior — (n.) lord of a manor, late 13c., from O.Fr. seignior, from L. seniorem (nom. senior) older (see SENIOR (Cf. senior)). As a general title for a Frenchman, it dates from 1580s … Etymology dictionary
seignior — [sān′yər, sān yôr′] n. [ME segnour < Anglo Fr < OFr seignor < L senior: see SENIOR] 1. a lord or noble; specif., the lord of a fee or manor 2. SEIGNEUR (sense 2) … English World dictionary
seignior — /seyn(i)yar/ In its general signification, means lord, but in law it is particularly applied to the lord of a fee or of a manor; and the fee, dominions, or manor of a seignior is thence termed a seigniory, i.e., a lordship. He who is a lord, but… … Black's law dictionary
Seignior — Derived from the Olde French seignour itself from the Latin senior , the word means the elder or the chief , and may have been given to a Lord of the Manor but was more likely a nickname surname for either the village elder or one who aped the… … Surnames reference
seignior — noun Etymology: Middle English seygnour, from Anglo French seignur, from Medieval Latin senior Date: 14th century seigneur 1 … New Collegiate Dictionary
seignior — /seen yeuhr/, n. (sometimes cap.) a lord, esp. a feudal lord; ruler. [1300 50; ME segnour < AF; see SEIGNEUR] * * * … Universalium
seignior — noun /ˈseɪnjə,ˈsiːnjɚ/ a) A feudal lord; nobleman who held his lands by feudal grant; any lord (holder) of a manor; a gentleman. b) A title of respect, formerly corresponding (especially in France) approximately to Sir … Wiktionary
seignior — (Roget s IV) n. Syn. Mr., master, Herr (German); see mister , Sir 2 … English dictionary for students
seignior — n. lord, nobleman, man of high rank; feudal lord … English contemporary dictionary
seignior — n. Lord … New dictionary of synonyms