- batty
- [ʹbætı] a
1. разг. спятивший, помешавшийся, не в своём уме2. редк. похожий на летучую мышь
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Batty — Разработчик Hit Pak Издатель … Википедия
Batty — ist der Familienname folgender Personen: David Batty (* 1968), englischer Fußballspieler Jason Batty (* 1971), neuseeländischer Fußballtorwart Julius Batty (Pseudonym nach Thomas Batty, eigentlich Julius Seeth, 1863–1939), deutscher Löwendompteur … Deutsch Wikipedia
Batty — Bat ty (b[a^]t t[y^]), a. 1. Belonging to, or resembling, a bat. Batty wings. Shak. [1913 Webster] 2. Crazy; demented; loony; nuts; as, her constant gabbing is driving me batty. [Colloq.] Syn: bats. [PJC] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
batty — 1580s, pertaining to bats, from BAT (Cf. bat) (n.2) + Y (Cf. y) (2). Slang sense nuts, crazy is attested from 1903, from the expression (to have) bats in (one s) belfry, also meaning not be right in the head (1899) … Etymology dictionary
batty — ► ADJECTIVE (battier, battiest) informal ▪ mad. DERIVATIVES battiness noun. ORIGIN from BAT(Cf. ↑bat) … English terms dictionary
batty — [bat′ē] adj. battier, battiest [< BAT2 + Y2] Slang crazy or eccentric … English World dictionary
batty — [[t]bæ̱ti[/t]] battier, battiest ADJ GRADED (disapproval) If you say that someone is batty, you mean that they are rather eccentric or slightly crazy. [BRIT, INFORMAL] Laura s going a bit batty. ...some batty uncle of theirs. Syn: barmy … English dictionary
batty — adj. (slang) mad to go batty over * * * [ bætɪ] (slang) [ mad ] to go batty over … Combinatory dictionary
batty — UK [ˈbætɪ] / US adjective Word forms batty : adjective batty comparative battier superlative battiest informal slightly crazy … English dictionary
Batty — This unusual name is a diminutive form of the English and Scottish medieval personal name Bat(t)e , itself a shortened, diminutive form of Bartholomew , a very popular name in the Middle Ages. Bartholomew derives from the Aramaic bar Talmay , son … Surnames reference
batty — adj Crazy, insane. If you think I m going to get me to date your sister, you re batty. 1900s … Historical dictionary of American slang