
[ʹskru:tını] n
1. 1) внимательное изучение

a scrutiny of the morning papers [of racing results] - внимательный просмотр утренних газет [результатов скачек]

a scrutiny of smb.'s face [of the horizon] - внимательное изучение чьего-л. лица [линии горизонта]

2) тщательное исследование, изучение, рассмотрение

critical scrutiny - критический разбор

microscopic scrutiny - микроскопическое исследование

a scrutiny of the proposal - тщательное изучение предложения

the plan does not bear close scrutiny - этот план не выдерживает подробного рассмотрения; при ближайшем рассмотрении план оказывается неприемлемым

his record does not bear scrutiny - его прошлое вызывает сомнения

2. проверка правильности подсчёта избирательных бюллетеней

to demand a scrutiny - оспаривать результаты выборов

3. испытующий взгляд (тж. a glance of scrutiny)

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

Игры ⚽ Поможем написать курсовую

Смотреть что такое "scrutiny" в других словарях:

  • Scrutiny — • Definitions for the term as variously employed in canon law Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. Scrutiny     Scrutiny     † …   Catholic encyclopedia

  • Scrutiny — (Fr. scrutin , Late Lat. scrutinium , from scrutari , to search or examine thoroughly) is a careful examination or inquiry (often implying the search for a likely mistake or failure). It has a particular meaning in the Roman Catholc Church.The… …   Wikipedia

  • Scrutiny — Scru ti*ny, n. [L. scrutinium, fr. scrutari to search carefully, originally, to search even to the rags, fr. scruta trash, trumpery; perhaps akin to E. shred: cf. AS. scrudnian to make scrutiny.] 1. Close examination; minute inspection; critical… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • scrutiny — scru·ti·ny / skrüt ən ē/ n pl nies: searching study or inquiry; specif: judicial investigation of the constitutionality of a statutory classification of persons under the equal protection clause of the U.S. Constitution see also intermediate 2,… …   Law dictionary

  • scrutiny — UK US /ˈskruːtɪni/ noun [U] ► the careful and detailed examination of something in order to get information about it: be subjected to/come under scrutiny »The figures are likely to come under close scrutiny …   Financial and business terms

  • Scrutiny — Scru ti*ny, v. t. To scrutinize. [Obs.] [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Scrutiny —   [ skruːtɪnɪ; englisch »Musterung«, »Prüfung«], einflussreiche englische Literatur und Kulturzeitschrift, gegründet 1932 von Lionel Charles Knights (* 1906). Sie stand der Cambridger Kritikerschule um F. R. Leavis nahe, der zusammen mit seiner… …   Universal-Lexikon

  • scrutiny — early 15c., a vote to choose someone to decide a question, from L.L. scrutinium a search, inquiry (in M.L., a mode of election by ballot ), from L. scrutari to examine, search (as through trash), from scruta (pl.) trash, rags (see SHRED (Cf.… …   Etymology dictionary

  • scrutiny — *examination, scanning, inspection, audit (see under SCRUTINIZE) Analogous words: investigation, research, probe, *inquiry, inquisition: surveying or survey, observing or observation, viewing or view (see corresponding verbs at SEE) …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • scrutiny — [n] close examination analysis, audit, close up, eagle eye*, exploration, inquiry, inspection, investigation, long hard look*, perlustration, perusal, review, scan, search, sifting, study, surveillance, survey, tab*, the eye*, view; concepts… …   New thesaurus

  • scrutiny — ► NOUN (pl. scrutinies) ▪ close and critical observation or examination. ORIGIN Latin scrutinium, from scrutari sort rubbish , later to search …   English terms dictionary

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