- scrota
- [ʹskrəʋtə] pl от scrotum
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
scrota — scro·tum || skrəʊtÉ™m n. pouch of skin that contains the testicles (Anatomy) … English contemporary dictionary
Nerv — Nẹrv [von lat. nervus, Gen.: nervi = Sehne, Flechse; Band; Muskelband] m; s, en, in der anatomischen Nomenklatur: Nẹrvus, Mehrz.: Nervi: aus parallel angeordneten Nervenfasern bestehender, in einer Bindegewebshülle liegender Strang, der der… … Das Wörterbuch medizinischer Fachausdrücke
Vene — Ve̱ne [aus lat. vena, Gen.: venae = Blutader] w; , n, in fachspr. Fügungen: Ve̱na, Mehrz.: Ve̱nae: Blutader, Bezeichnung für diejenigen Blutgefäße, die (mit Ausnahme der vier Lungenvenen) im Gegensatz zu den Arterien sauerstoffarmes, verbrauchtes … Das Wörterbuch medizinischer Fachausdrücke
scrotum — noun (plural scrota or scrotums) Etymology: Latin; akin to Latin scrautum quiver Date: 1597 the external pouch that in most mammals contains the testes • scrotal adjective … New Collegiate Dictionary
Iceland — Infobox Country native name = Lýðveldið Ísland conventional long name = Republic of Iceland common name = Iceland map caption = Location of Iceland (red) in Europe (white) national motto = national anthem = Lofsöngur official languages =… … Wikipedia
Medicine murder — A Medicine murder is the killing of a human being in order to excise body parts to use as medicine. It is not human sacrifice in a religious sense because the motivation is not the death of human, but the creation of an item or items from their… … Wikipedia
Truck nuts — Truck nuts, also known as truck balls, also known as truck scrotums, are accessories for pickup trucks and other vehicles. Capitalizing upon the association of trucks with machismo, truck nuts resemble oversized human testicles inside scrota of… … Wikipedia
The Higher Power of Lucky — Infobox Book name = The Higher Power of Lucky title orig = translator = image caption = First edition cover author = Susan Patron illustrator = Matt Phelan cover artist = Matt Phelan country = United States language = English series = genre =… … Wikipedia
La Serrota — La Serrota, vista desde La Torre Provincias Ávila … Wikipedia Español
Villafranca de la Sierra — Bandera … Wikipedia Español
ГЕОПОНИКИ — • Geoponĭci, называются древние авторы, писавшие о земледелии и сельском хозяйстве. Из греческих сочинений этого рода сохранилось немного: Οι̉κονομικòς λόγος Ксенофонта, кое что в сочинениях Аристотеля и ученика его Теофраста. Из этих … Реальный словарь классических древностей