- battels
- [ʹbætlz] n pl унив.
1) казённый кошт (студентов Оксфорда)2) отчёт о суммах, израсходованных на содержание студентов
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
battels — n.pl. Brit. an Oxford college account for expenses, esp. for board and the supply of provisions. Etymology: perh. f. obs. battle (v.) fatten f. obs. battle (adj.) nutritious: cf. BATTEN(2) * * * battels /batˈlz/ plural noun 1. (at Oxford and some … Useful english dictionary
battels — bat·tels || bætlz n. (U.K.) charges for expenses at Oxford University (for housing, food and other provisions) … English contemporary dictionary
battels — [ bat(ə)lz] plural noun (at Oxford University) a college account for food and accommodation expenses. Origin C16: perh. from dialect battle nourish , nutritious ; prob. related to batten2 … English new terms dictionary
battels — /ˈbætəlz/ (say batuhlz) plural noun British (at Oxford University) the account of a member of a college for living expenses incurred. {? from obsolete battle to feed, fatten, of unknown origin} …
battels — n. pl. accounts of Oxford college, especially for provisions … Dictionary of difficult words
Kaiju Big Battel — Big Battel sticker on Houston in New York City … Wikipedia
Albert Battel — (* 21. Januar 1891 in Klein Pramsen; † 1952 in Hattersheim) war ein deutscher Rechtsanwalt, Oberleutnant der Wehrmacht und Gerechter unter den Völkern. Inhaltsverzeichnis 1 Werdegang 2 Die Judenrettung von Przemyśl 3 … Deutsch Wikipedia
Военные энциклопедии — научно справочные издания, содержащие систематизированный свод военных знаний, а также сведения из других областей наук, имеющие значение для военного дела. Прообразом В. э. явились военные словари, содержавшие энциклопедические… … Большая советская энциклопедия
Program music — Programme music is a form of art music intended to evoke extra musical ideas, images in the mind of the listener by musically representing a scene, image or mood [http://www.encyclopedia.com/html/p1/progrmus.asp] . By contrast, absolute music… … Wikipedia
Hatfield College — Durham College Infobox Name = Hatfield College Motto = Vel Primus Vel Cum Primis Either the first or with the first (Colloquialised in College as be the best you can be ) Colours = cells|8|#0000b7cells|3|whitecells|4|#0000b7cells|3|whitecells|20|#… … Wikipedia
Starkad — appears in numerous accounts, and the stories of his adventures relate to different Scandinavian traditions.The article Starkad in Nationalencyklopedin .] He is most fully treated in Gesta Danorum but he also appears in Icelandic sources.… … Wikipedia