- scran
- [skræn] n
1. собир. разг. объедки, огрызки2. сл. хлеб с маслом
bad scran to you! - сл. ≅ чтоб тебе пусто было!
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
bad scran to you! - сл. ≅ чтоб тебе пусто было!Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Scran — first and foremost is a term or slang for food used by the serving and retired men and women of the Royal Navy.Scran is also a Scottish online resource for educational use by schools, further education and higher education. It presents 360,000… … Wikipedia
scran — scran; scran·nel; scran·ton; scran·to·ni·an; … English syllables
scran — I Everyday English Slang in Ireland n food II Glesga Glossary Food III Cumbrian Dictionary ( n skran) Food. e.g. Aas gan furra scran = I m going to eat some food. IV Cleveland Dialect List food, victuals: scran time (meal time) V Hart … English dialects glossary
scran — noun food Let wi gan and get some scran am starvin man! Syn: scrawn … Wiktionary
scran — n British food. The word is used throughout the armed services and by some civilians, particularly public schoolchildren and students. It comes originally from Rom any and has been employed since the 18th century to mean victuals, scraps or… … Contemporary slang
scran — n. sl. 1 food, eatables. 2 remains of food. Phrases and idioms: bad scran Ir. bad luck. Etymology: 18th c.: orig. unkn … Useful english dictionary
scran & scoop — Scottish Vernacular Dictionary Scran means food, used alot in and around fife. Scoop is drink, or going for a drink. i.e going for some scoop, from falkirk … English dialects glossary
scran bag — noun 1. : a bag for leftover food a beggar s scran bag 2. : a receptacle for articles found lying about on a ship … Useful english dictionary
scran — left over fish or fish caught accidentally with the target species, eaten by the crew of a boat (Scottish dialect) … Dictionary of ichthyology
Scran — Slang for food, a snack, nosh. Man, am I hungry, who s up for some srcan? … Dictionary of american slang
Scran — Slang for food, a snack, nosh. Man, am I hungry, who s up for some srcan? … Dictionary of american slang