Cheapness — (Roget s Thesaurus) < N PARAG:Cheapness >N GRP: N 1 Sgm: N 1 cheapness cheapness low price Sgm: N 1 depreciation depreciation Sgm: N 1 bargain bargain Sgm: N 1 good penny good penny &c. worth Sgm: N 1 snap snap … English dictionary for students
Menjou, Adolphe — (1890–1963) Adolphe Menjou was born in Pittsburgh on February 18, 1890. He was educated at Culver Military Academy in Indiana and studied engineering at Cornell University. In 1911 he moved to New York City, where he began his film career in… … The Encyclopedia of Stanley Kubrick
shot — [OE] Shot goes back to a prehistoric Germanic *skutaz, which was derived from the same base that produced English shoot. It used to mean ‘payment’ as well as ‘act of shooting’, a sense shared by its Old Norse relative skot, which provided English … The Hutchinson dictionary of word origins
bouche — /buwsh/buch/ The mouth. An allowance of provision. Avoir bouche a court; to have an allowance at court; to be in ordinary at court; to have meat and drink scotfree there … Black's law dictionary
bouche — /buwsh/buch/ The mouth. An allowance of provision. Avoir bouche a court; to have an allowance at court; to be in ordinary at court; to have meat and drink scotfree there … Black's law dictionary
shot — [OE] Shot goes back to a prehistoric Germanic *skutaz, which was derived from the same base that produced English shoot. It used to mean ‘payment’ as well as ‘act of shooting’, a sense shared by its Old Norse relative skot, which provided English … Word origins