
1. [skɒtʃ] n
1. (the Scotch) собир. шотландцы (употр. нешотландцами)
2. шотландский диалект (употр. преим. нешотландцами)
3. разг. скотч, шотландское виски

a glass of Scotch - рюмка виски

small Scotch - маленькая рюмочка виски

Scotch and a shower of bubbles - шутл. виски с содовой

2. [skɒtʃ] a
1. шотландский (употр. преим. нешотландцами)

Scotch cap /bonnet/ - шапочка горных шотландцев

Scotch kale - шотландская краснокочанная капуста

2. амер. разг. пуританский, суровый
3. амер. разг. скупой, прижимистый

Scotch answer - ответ в форме вопроса

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "scotch" в других словарях:

  • Scotch — has the following variety of meanings:General* Scotch (adjective), an adjective meaning having to do with Scotland Food and drink* Scotch whisky, a whisky made in Scotland, commonly abbreviated as Scotch * Scotch Beef, beef from suckler cattle… …   Wikipedia

  • Scotch — Scotch, Scottish, Scots can all apply to what constitutes, belongs to, or derives from Scotland or its people.Scotch is most widely used outside Scotland, especially in the spoken language {the entire Scotch people} {the inconvenience of having… …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • Scotch — Scotch, a. [Cf. {Scottish}.] Of or pertaining to Scotland, its language, or its inhabitants; Scottish. [1913 Webster] {Scotch broom} (Bot.), the {Cytisus scoparius}. See {Broom}. {Scotch dipper}, or {Scotch duck} (Zo[ o]l.), the bufflehead;… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Scotch — 〈[ skɔ̣tʃ] m. 6〉 aus Gerste hergestellter schottischer Whisky [engl., kurz für Scotch whisky „schottischer Whisky“] * * * Scotch [skɔt̮ʃ], der; s, s: 1. [engl. Scotch, kurz für Scotch whisky = schottischer Whisky] (aus [teilweise] gemälzter… …   Universal-Lexikon

  • Scotch — Scotch, Scots, Scottish 1. The favoured terms are a Scot or Scotsman or Scotswoman for a person from Scotland, Scottish as the general adjective relating to Scotland, and Scots for any of the dialect forms of English spoken in (especially… …   Modern English usage

  • Scotch — (englisch für: „schottisch“) steht für: Scotch, Kurzform von Scotch Whisky, siehe Whisky#Schottischer Whisky (Scotch Whisky) Scotch (Band), italienische Musikband Scotch (Rapper), deutscher Rapmusiker Scotch Tape, Markenname von Klebebändern von… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Scotch — Scotch; scotch; scotch·i·fy; scotch·i·ness; scotch·man; scotch·ness; scotch·er; …   English syllables

  • Scotch — blackface (sheep); Scotch broth (barley, mutton, and vegetable soup); Scotch mist (drizzle, fog, and mist); Scotch whisky (distilled from barley); Scotch woodcock (toast garnished with anchovy paste and scrambled eggs) …   Eponyms, nicknames, and geographical games

  • Scotch — (adj.) of Scotland, 1590s, contraction of SCOTTISH (Cf. Scottish). Disdained by the Scottish because of the many insulting and pejorative formations made from it by the English (e.g. Scotch attorney, a Jamaica term from 1864 for strangler vines) …   Etymology dictionary

  • Scotch|y — «SKOCH ee», adjective, Scotch|i|er, Scotch|i|est. having the characteristics of what is Scotch; suggesting Scotch people or ways …   Useful english dictionary

  • Scotch — Scotch, n. A chock, wedge, prop, or other support, to prevent slipping; as, a scotch for a wheel or a log on inclined ground. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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