- scorpioid
- [ʹskɔ:pıɔıd] n бот.
скорпион (соцветие)
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Scorpioid — Scor pi*oid, Scorpioidal Scor pi*oid al, a. [Gr. ?; ? a scorpion + e i^dos form.] 1. Having the inflorescence curved or circinate at the end, like a scorpion s tail. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
scorpioid — [skôr′pē oid΄] adj. [Gr skorpioeidēs] 1. like a scorpion 2. of the order consisting of the scorpions 3. with a curved end, like a scorpion s tail; circinate … English World dictionary
scorpioid — adjective a) Of, pertaining to, or appearing like a scorpion. b) Resembling a scorpions tail, as in a scorpioid cyme; circinate … Wiktionary
scorpioid cyme — Cincinnus Cin*cin nus, n.; pl. { ni}. [Also {cicinus}, {cicinnus}.] [L., a curl of hair.] (Bot.) A form of monochasium in which the lateral branches arise alternately on opposite sides of the false axis; called also {scorpioid cyme}. {Cin*cin… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
scorpioid — /skawr pee oyd /, adj. 1. resembling a scorpion. 2. belonging or pertaining to the Scorpionida, the order of arachnids comprising the scorpions. 3. curved at the end like the tail of a scorpion. [1830 40; < L scorpi(o) SCORPION + OID] * * * … Universalium
scorpioid — adj. resembling a scorpion; hooked or bent at the end like the tail of a scorpion; belonging to the order of the scorpions (Zoology) … English contemporary dictionary
scorpioid — scor·pi·oid … English syllables
scorpioid — /ˈskɔpiɔɪd/ (say skawpeeoyd) adjective 1. resembling a scorpion. 2. belonging to the Scorpionida, the order of arachnids comprising the scorpions. 3. curved (at the end) like the tail of a scorpion. 4. Botany of or relating to a type of cymose… …
scorpioid — a. scorpion like; curved at end … Dictionary of difficult words
scorpioid — adj. & n. adj. 1 Zool. of, relating to, or resembling a scorpion; of the scorpion order. 2 Bot. (of an inflorescence) curled up at the end, and uncurling as the flowers develop. n. this type of inflorescence. Etymology: Gk skorpioeides (as… … Useful english dictionary
scorpioid cyme — noun a cyme with flowers or branches alternating in opposite ranks • Hypernyms: ↑cyme * * * noun : a cyme in which the axis is curved and the flowers arise two ranked and on alternate sides of the axis (as in the forget me not) … Useful english dictionary