
[ʹskɔ:tʃə] n
1. см. scorch II + -er
2. разг. знойный, невыносимо жаркий день
3. разг. лихач (об автомобилисте и т. п.)
4. сл.
1) что-л. поразительное

it is a scorcher! - это поразительно /сногсшибательно/!

2) кто-л. выделяющийся своей экстравагантностью, возбуждающий необыкновенный интерес и т. п.

she is a scorcher! - она просто потрясающа!

5. разг. едкий сарказм, оскорбительное замечание, уничтожающая ирония

a scorcher of a critique - разгромная критическая статья

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

Игры ⚽ Поможем решить контрольную работу

Смотреть что такое "scorcher" в других словарях:

  • Scorcher — may refer to:* Scorcher (film), a 2002 science fiction disaster film *, a 2007 book by Clive Hamilton * Scorcher (magazine), a football themed British comic magazine * Scorcher (video game), a futuristic racing video game by now defunct developer …   Wikipedia

  • Scorcher — est un super vilain créé par Marvel Comics. Il est apparu pour la première fois dans Untold tales of Spider Man vol.1 #1, en 1995. Origines Steven Jamal Hudak était un chimiste qui fut accusé à tort de vol par son employeur. Pour se venger, il… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • scorcher — scorch er a very hot day. [Informal] [PJC] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • scorcher — “very hot day,” 1874, agent noun from SCORCH (Cf. scorch). It also meant, at various times, “stinging attack” (1842), “pretty girl” (1881), “line drive in baseball” (1900) …   Etymology dictionary

  • scorcher — ► NOUN informal 1) a day or period of very hot weather. 2) Brit. a remarkable or powerful example of something …   English terms dictionary

  • scorcher — [skôr′chər] n. 1. anything that scorches 2. Informal a) a very hot day b) a withering remark …   English World dictionary

  • scorcher — 1. n. a very hot day. □ This is really a scorcher, isn’t it? □ Wow! What a scorcher! 2. n. a caustic remark. □ Bob ade a real scorcher about Tom’s shoes. □ …   Dictionary of American slang and colloquial expressions

  • scorcher — UK [ˈskɔː(r)tʃə(r)] / US [ˈskɔrtʃər] noun [countable, usually singular] Word forms scorcher : singular scorcher plural scorchers informal an extremely hot day It s going to be a scorcher …   English dictionary

  • scorcher — /skawr cheuhr/, n. 1. a person or thing that scorches. 2. Informal. a very hot day: Tomorrow is supposed to be a scorcher. 3. something caustic or severe: a scorcher of a critique. 4. Informal. a person who drives extremely fast. 5. Print. a… …   Universalium

  • scorcher — noun /ˈskɔː(ɹ).tʃə(ɹ)/ a) One who, or that which, scorches. Tomorrow will be a scorcher, so carry water and use sunscreen if youre going out. b) A very hot day. What a scorcher! See the net reverberate! Syn: sizzler …   Wiktionary

  • scorcher — scorch|er [ˈsko:tʃə US ˈsko:rtʃər] n [C usually singular] informal an extremely hot day ▪ It was a scorcher of a day …   Dictionary of contemporary English

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