- scooping
- [ʹsku:pıŋ] n с.-х.
перелопачивание (зерна)
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
scooping — skuËp n. spoon, ladle; tool for scooping or digging; hollow, cavity; act of scooping or digging; quantity that fills one scoop; (Slang) exclusive news story reported by one newspaper (or television station, etc.); large profit (Slang) v. dig,… … English contemporary dictionary
Scooping — Scoop Scoop, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Scooped}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Scooping}.] [OE. scopen. See {Scoop}, n.] 1. To take out or up with, a scoop; to lade out. [1913 Webster] He scooped the water from the crystal flood. Dryden. [1913 Webster] 2. To empty … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
scooping — scoopˈing noun and adjective • • • Main Entry: ↑scoop … Useful english dictionary
scooping gear — a net kept under water for some time and then rapidly raised to capture any fish swimming or resting over it … Dictionary of ichthyology
Goldfish scooping — nihongo|Goldfish scooping|金魚すくい, 金魚掬い|Kingyo sukui is a Japanese traditional game in which a player scoops goldfish with a special scooper. It is also called, Scooping goldfish , Dipping for goldfish or Snatching goldfish . Kingyo means goldfish… … Wikipedia
dredging — Scooping dirt, rocks, or debris from the bottom of a harbor or river to deepen the harbor or channel, thereby improving navigation; opening a ditch through a swamp or other area to give better drainage … Ballentine's law dictionary
Bombardier 415 — Model 415 Superscooper A Bombardier 415 operating out of Dryden, Ontario on fire dispatch, September 2007 … Wikipedia
Little Bunny Foo Foo — is a children s rhyme, involving a rabbit harassing a population of field mice. The rabbit is scolded and eventually punished by a fairy.One of the more popular versions of the song is as follows::Little bunny, Foo Foo:Hopping through the… … Wikipedia
Shovel — For other uses, see Shovel (disambiguation). A man carrying shovels … Wikipedia
Kimarite — (決まり手 kimari te) are winning techniques in a sumo bout. For each bout in a Grand Sumo tournament (or honbasho), a sumo referee, or gyoji, will decide and announce the type of kimarite used by the winner. It is possible, or kanou (although rare,… … Wikipedia
Excavation — Ex ca*va tion, n. [L. excavatio: cf. F. excavation.] 1. The act of excavating, or of making hollow, by cutting, scooping, or digging out a part of a solid mass. [1913 Webster] 2. A cavity formed by cutting, digging, or scooping. A winding… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English