- schiz schizo
schiz, schizo
1> _сл. шизофреник, "шизик"
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
schizo- — schiz(o) ♦ Élément, du gr. skhizein « fendre ». ⇒SCHIZ(O) , (SCHIZ , SCHIZO ), élém. formant Élém. tiré du gr. « fendre », exprimant une idée de division, entrant dans la constr. de subst. ou d adj. du vocab. sc.; le 2e élém. est gén. tiré du gr … Encyclopédie Universelle
schiz- — schiz(o) ♦ Élément, du gr. skhizein « fendre ». ⇒SCHIZ(O) , (SCHIZ , SCHIZO ), élém. formant Élém. tiré du gr. « fendre », exprimant une idée de division, entrant dans la constr. de subst. ou d adj. du vocab. sc.; le 2e élém. est gén. tiré du gr … Encyclopédie Universelle
schiz... — schiz..., Schiz... [auch sçi...] vgl. ↑schizo..., Schizo … Das große Fremdwörterbuch
schiz|o — «SKIHT soh, SKIHZ oh», noun, plural os. Informal. a schizophrenic: »Treatment turns out to be only palliative at best; the truth is they are schizos, whose psychic split is too wide ever to be healed (Harper s). schizo , combining form. split;… … Useful english dictionary
schiz... — schiz..., Wortbildungselement, schizo … Universal-Lexikon
schizo — schiz•o [[t]ˈskɪt soʊ[/t]] n. pl. schiz•os, adj. Slang. 1) cvb a schizophrenic or schizoid person 2) cvb schizophrenic or schizoid 3) crazy; wildly eccentric • Etymology: 1940–45; by shortening; cf. o … From formal English to slang
schiz|o|carp — «SKIHZ uh kahrp», noun. Botany. any dry fruit that divides, when ripe, into two or more one seeded seed vessels that do not split open, as in the carrot and celery. ╂[< schizo + Greek karpós fruit] … Useful english dictionary
schiz|o|my|cete — «SKIHZ oh my SEET», noun. = bacterium. (Cf. ↑bacterium) ╂[< schizo + Greek mýkēs, ētos fungus] … Useful english dictionary
schiz|o|pel|mous — «SKIHZ uh PEHL muhs», adjective. (of birds) having two flexor tendons for the toes. ╂[< schizo + Greek pélma sole of the foot + English ous] … Useful english dictionary
schiz|o|phyte — «SKIHZ uh fyt», noun. any one of the bacteria and blue green algae, reproducing by simple fission or by spores, that are sometimes classified as a group. ╂[< schizo + Greek phytón plant] … Useful english dictionary
schiz|o|zo|ite — «SKIHZ uh ZOH yt», noun. an organism reproduced by schizogamy. ╂[< schizo + Greek zôion animal + English ite] … Useful english dictionary