- acrolith
- [ʹækrə(ʋ)lıθ] n иск.
акролит, скульптура из разнородных материалов (обыкн. из мрамора для открытых частей тела)
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Acrolith — Ac ro*lith, n. [L. acrolthus, Gr. akroli qos with the ends made of stone; a kros extreme + li qos stone.] (Arch. & Sculp.) A statue whose extremities are of stone, the trunk being generally of wood. Elmes. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
acrolith — [ak′rō lith΄] n. [L acrolithus < Gr akrolithos < akros (see ACRO ) + lithos, stone] in early Greek sculpture, a statue with stone head, hands, and feet, and a wooden trunk … English World dictionary
Acrolith — In Classical antiquity, an acrolith (Greek etymology: acros and lithos , English translation: height or extremity and stone ) was a statue in which the trunk of the figure was made of wood, and the extremities (head, hands and feet) of marble.… … Wikipedia
acrolith — acrolithic, adj. /ak reuh lith/, n. a sculptured figure having the head and extremities of stone and the torso of other material. [1840 50; < L acrolithus < Gk akrólithos. See ACRO , LITH] * * * ▪ sculpture statue, especially ancient Greek … Universalium
acrolith — An ancient Greek sculpture in which the head and arms and feet were made of marble or some other stone. Greek for stone ended. At first an acrolith was considered to be a wooden sculpture with marble extremities, and later, a limestone… … Glossary of Art Terms
acrolith — noun An ancient Greek wooden statue with limbs and head of stone … Wiktionary
acrolith — wooden statue with stone extremities Stones and Rocks … Phrontistery dictionary
acrolith — ac·ro·lith … English syllables
acrolith — /ˈækrəlɪθ/ (say akruhlith) noun a sculptured figure having only the head and extremities made of marble or other stone. {Latin acrolithus, from Greek akrolithos} –acrolithic /ækrəˈlɪθɪk/ (say akruh lithik), adjective …
acrolith — n. statue with wooden trunk and stone head and extremities … Dictionary of difficult words
acrolith — ˈakrəˌlith noun ( s) Etymology: Latin acrolithus, from Greek akrolithos with ends of stone, from akr acr + lithos stone : an acrolithic statue … Useful english dictionary