
1. [beıð] n
купание (в море, реке)

to have a bathe - выкупаться, искупаться

2. [beıð] v
1. 1) купаться (в море, реке); плавать

it was too cold to bathe - для купания было слишком холодно

to bathe in blood - плавать /купаться/ в крови

2) редк. мыться, купаться (в ванне и т. п.)
2. мыть, обмывать; отмачивать

to bathe one's face - умыться, обмыть лицо (после слёз и т. п.)

to bathe one's eyes [a wound] - промывать глаза [рану]

to bathe an injured leg - парить больную ногу

3. омывать (берега)

bathed by the waters of the Pacific - омываемый водами Тихого океана

4. заливать, обливать

bathed in sweat [in tears] - обливающийся потом [слезами]

to bathe one's hands in blood - обагрить руки кровью

the garden was bathed in moonlight - сад был залит лунным светом

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "bathe" в других словарях:

  • Bathe — (b[=a][th]), v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Bathed} (b[=a][th]d); p. pr. & vb. n. {Bathing}.] [OE. ba[eth]ien, AS. ba[eth]ian, fr. b[ae][eth] bath. See 1st {Bath}, and cf. {Bay} to bathe.] 1. To wash by immersion, as in a bath; to subject to a bath. [1913… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Bathe — Bathe, v. i. 1. To bathe one s self; to take a bath or baths. They bathe in summer. Waller. [1913 Webster] 2. To immerse or cover one s self, as in a bath. To bathe in fiery floods. Shak. Bathe in the dimples of her cheek. Lloyd. [1913 Webster] 3 …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Bathe — Bathe, n. The immersion of the body in water; as, to take one s usual bathe. Edin. Rev. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Bathe — ist der Familienname folgender Personen: Klaus Jürgen Bathe (* 1943), deutscher Ingenieurswissenschaftler und Professor für Maschinenbau am Massachusetts Institute of Technology Walter Bathe (1892–1959), deutscher Schwimmer Diese Seite ist eine …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • bathe — bāth vb, bathed; bath·ing vt 1) to wash in a liquid (as water) 2) to apply water or a liquid medicament to <bathe the eye with warm water> vi to take a bath bathe n Brit the act or action of bathing: BATH …   Medical dictionary

  • bathe — [ beıð ] verb * 1. ) transitive AMERICAN to wash someone in a BATHTUB: I ll bathe the baby for you. a ) intransitive to wash yourself, especially in a BATHTUB 2. ) intransitive to swim in a river or lake, or in the ocean 3. ) transitive to cover… …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • bathe — (v.) O.E. baþian to wash, lave, bathe (trans. and intrans.), from root of BATH (Cf. bath) (q.v.), with different vowel sound due to ↑ i mutation. Related: Bathed; BATHING (Cf. bathing) …   Etymology dictionary

  • bathe — bathe, bath ou bathouse adj. Beau : Une bathe gonzesse. / Bon : Merci, t es bath. / Agréable : Le cinoche, c est bath. / Bath au pieu, adroit en amour. □ n.m. Vrai, authentique : C est pas du toc, c est du bath …   Dictionnaire du Français argotique et populaire

  • bathe — [bāth] vt. bathed, bathing [ME bathen < OE bathian < bæth, BATH1] 1. to put into a liquid; immerse 2. to give a bath to; wash 3. to wet or moisten [sweat bathed his brow] 4 …   English World dictionary

  • bathe — index imbue, immerse (plunge into), permeate, pervade Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …   Law dictionary

  • bathe — [v] wash with water and, usually, soap bath, clean, cleanse, dip, douse, dunk, flood, hose, imbathe, imbue, immerse, moisten, rinse, scour, scrub, shower, soak, soap, sponge, steep, submerge, suffuse, tub, water, wet; concepts 161,165 Ant. dirty …   New thesaurus

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