
[ʹskeəslı] adv
1. едва, почти (не)

scarcely ever - почти никогда

scarcely thirty people - не больше тридцати человек

he scarcely troubled to listen to me - он почти не слушал меня

he is scarcely seventeen years old - ему нет и семнадцати

I have scarcely any money left - у меня почти не осталось денег

the rain continued with scarcely any pause - дождь шёл почти без перерыва

I scarcely know her - я почти не знаю её, я едва знаком с ней

he scarcely thinks of anything else - ни о чём другом он и не думает; он только об этом и думает

2. едва, с трудом

I could scarcely drag one foot after the other - я насилу /еле-еле/ передвигал ноги

I could scarcely believe my eyes - я не мог поверить своим глазам

I can scarcely believe such a story as that - мне трудно поверить этому

3. едва ли, вряд ли

scarcely! - вряд ли!; сомнительно!

he can scarcely have said so - едва ли он мог это сказать; не может быть, чтобы он это сказал

4. употребляется как вежливая форма отрицания или сомнения:

I scarcely think so - не думаю, что это так

I scarcely know what to say - право, не знаю, что и сказать

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "scarcely" в других словарях:

  • scarcely — 1. The standard construction is scarcely…when…: • Scarcely had he begun when Claverhouse ordered him to rise A. Boyle, 1990. The construction with than, though increasingly common and perhaps suggested by the analogy of no sooner…than…, is non… …   Modern English usage

  • scarcely — ► ADVERB 1) only just. 2) only a very short time before. 3) used to suggest that something is unlikely to be or certainly not the case: they could scarcely all be wrong …   English terms dictionary

  • scarcely — [skers′lē] adv. 1. hardly; not quite; only just 2. probably not or certainly not [scarcely true] …   English World dictionary

  • scarcely — index almost Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …   Law dictionary

  • scarcely — [adv] barely hardly, imperceptibly, infrequently, just, just barely, only just, rarely, scantily, seldom, slightly; concepts 541,789 Ant. adequately, commonly, sufficiently …   New thesaurus

  • scarcely — [[t]ske͟ə(r)sli[/t]] 1) ADV BRD NEG: ADV before v, ADV group, oft ADV amount (emphasis) You use scarcely to emphasize that something is only just true or only just the case. He could scarcely breathe... I scarcely knew him... She seemed scarcely… …   English dictionary

  • scarcely — adverb 1 almost not or almost none at all: Parts of the city had scarcely changed since we were last there. | scarcely any/ever: There s scarcely any coffee left. | can/could scarcely: It was getting dark and she could scarcely see in front of… …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

  • scarcely — scarce|ly [ˈskeəsli US ˈsker ] adv 1.) almost not or almost none at all = ↑hardly ▪ The city had scarcely changed in 20 years. ▪ The country had scarcely any industry. ▪ He scarcely ever left the region. can/could scarcely do sth ▪ It was getting …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • Scarcely — Scarce Scarce, Scarcely Scarce ly, adv. 1. With difficulty; hardly; scantly; barely; but just. [1913 Webster] With a scarce well lighted flame. Milton. [1913 Webster] The eldest scarcely five year was of age. Chaucer. [1913 Webster] Slowly she… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • scarcely — adverb Date: 14th century 1. a. by a narrow margin ; only just < had scarcely rung the bell when the door flew open Agnes S. Turnbull > b. almost not < could scarcely see for the fog > 2. a. certainly not < could scarcely int …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • scarcely */*/ — UK [ˈskeə(r)slɪ] / US [ˈskerslɪ] adverb 1) almost not, or almost none I can scarcely believe what s happened. There was scarcely any traffic. 2) only just We had scarcely driven a mile when the car broke down. 3) used for showing that something… …   English dictionary

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