- scapular
- 1. [ʹskæpjʋlə] n
1. наплечник, нарамник (часть одеяния монаха)2. мед. перевязка для лопатки2. [ʹskæplʋlə] a анат.лопаточный
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Scapular — • The most important part, of the habit of the monastic orders Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. Scapular Scapular † … Catholic encyclopedia
Scapular — Scap u*lar, a. [Cf. F. scapulaire. Cf. {Scapulary}.] Of or pertaining to the scapula or the shoulder. [1913 Webster] {Scapular arch} (Anat.), the pectoral arch. See under {pectoral}. {Scapular region}, or {Scapular tract} (Zo[ o]l.), a definite… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
scapular — SCAPULÁR, Ă, scapulari, e, adj. Care aparţine umărului, privitor la umăr, din regiunea umărului. – Din fr. scapulaire. Trimis de IoanSoleriu, 13.09.2007. Sursa: DEX 98 scapulár adj. m., pl. scapulári; f. sg. scapuláră … Dicționar Român
Scapular — Scap u*lar, n. (Zo[ o]l.) One of a special group of feathers which arise from each of the scapular regions and lie along the sides of the back. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
scapular — [skap′yə lər] adj. [ModL scapularis < L scapula, scapula (in LL, shoulder)] of the shoulder, scapula, or scapulae n. 1. a sleeveless outer garment falling from the shoulders, worn as part of a monk s habit 2. two small pieces of cloth joined… … English World dictionary
Scapular — Scap u*lar, Scapulary Scap u*la*ry, n. [F. scapulaire, LL. scapularium, scapulare, fr. L. scapula shoulder blade.] 1. (R. C. Ch.) (a) A loose sleeveless vestment falling in front and behind, worn by certain religious orders and devout persons.… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
scapular — (adj.) 1680s (adj.), from Mod.L. scapularis, from L. scapula shoulder (see SCAPULA (Cf. scapula)). The noun (late 15c.) is from M.L. scapulare, from scapula … Etymology dictionary
scapular — ► ADJECTIVE Anatomy & Zoology ▪ relating to the shoulder or shoulder blade. ► NOUN ▪ a short monastic cloak covering the shoulders … English terms dictionary
Scapular — For the shoulder bone, see Scapula. The devotional scapular of Our Lady of Mount Carmel or Brown Scapular. The term scapular (from Latin scapulae, shoulders ) as used today refers to two specific, yet related, Christian Sacramentals, namely the… … Wikipedia
scapular — adj. & n. adj. of or relating to the shoulder or shoulder blade. n. 1 a a monastic short cloak covering the shoulders. b a symbol of affiliation to an ecclesiastical order, consisting of two strips of cloth hanging down the breast and back and… … Useful english dictionary
scapular — scapular1 /skap yeuh leuhr/, adj. of or pertaining to the shoulders or the scapula or scapulae. [1680 90; < NL scapularis. See SCAPULA, AR1] scapular2 /skap yeuh leuhr/, n. 1. Eccles. a loose, sleeveless monastic garment, hanging from the… … Universalium