Scandalize — Scan dal*ize, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Scandalized}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Scandalizing}.] [F. scandaliser, L. scandalizare, from Gr. skandali zein.] 1. To offend the feelings or the conscience of (a person) by some action which is considered immoral or… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
scandalize — index contemn, defame, discredit, disgrace, libel, pillory, repel (disgust) Burton s Legal Thesaurus … Law dictionary
scandalize — (v.) late 15c.; see SCANDAL (Cf. scandal) + IZE (Cf. ize). Originally make a public scandal of; sense of shock by doing something improper first recorded 1640s. Related: Scandalized; scandalizing … Etymology dictionary
scandalize — (Amer.) scan·dal·ize || skændÉ™laɪz v. create a scandal, cause an outrage; shock or offend with immorality; speak falsely or spitefully of; (Archaic) dishonor, bring shame (also scandalise) … English contemporary dictionary
scandalize — (also scandalise) ► VERB ▪ shock or horrify by a violation of propriety or morality … English terms dictionary
scandalize — [skan′də līz΄] vt. scandalized, scandalizing [LME scandalyzen < OFr scandaliser < LL(Ec) scandalizare < Gr(Ec) skandalizein, to make stumble, give offense < skandalon: see SCANDAL] 1. Now Rare to slander; defame 2. to shock or outrage … English World dictionary
scandalize — UK [ˈskænd(ə)laɪz] / US [ˈskænd(ə)lˌaɪz] verb [transitive] Word forms scandalize : present tense I/you/we/they scandalize he/she/it scandalizes present participle scandalizing past tense scandalized past participle scandalized to do something… … English dictionary
scandalize — transitive verb ( ized; izing) Date: 1566 1. archaic to speak falsely or maliciously of 2. archaic to bring into reproach 3. to offend the moral sense of ; shock < she was scandalized by his behavior > … New Collegiate Dictionary
scandalize — scandalization, n. scandalizer, n. /skan dl uyz /, v.t., scandalized, scandalizing. 1. to shock or horrify by something considered immoral or improper. 2. Naut. to spill the wind from or reduce the exposed area of (a sail) in an unusual manner.… … Universalium
scandalize — verb a) To shock someone. b) To be offensive to someone … Wiktionary
scandalize — Synonyms and related words: affront, asperse, calumniate, defame, denigrate, disturb, gall, horrify, libel, offend, outrage, rankle, scandal, shock, slander, slur, smear, upset … Moby Thesaurus