- scabious
- 1. [ʹskeıbıəs] n бот.
скабиоза, вдовушки (Scabiosa gen.)2. [ʹskeıbıəs] aчесоточный
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Scabious — Sca bi*ous, n. [Cf. F. scabieuse. See {Scabious}, a.] (Bot.) Any plant of the genus {Scabiosa}, several of the species of which are common in Europe. They resemble the {Composit[ae]}, and have similar heads of flowers, but the anthers are not… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Scabious — Sca bi*ous, a. [L. scabiosus, from scabies the scab: cf. F. scabieux.] Consisting of scabs; rough; itchy; leprous; as, scabious eruptions. Arbuthnot. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
scabious — ► NOUN ▪ a plant with blue, pink, or white pincushion shaped flowers. ORIGIN from Latin scabiosa herba rough, scabby plant ; it was formerly regarded as a cure for skin disease … English terms dictionary
scabious — scabious1 [skā′bē əs] adj. [< Fr or L: Fr scabieux < L scabiosus < scabies: see SCAB] 1. covered with scabs; scabby 2. of or like scabies scabious2 [skā′bē əs] n. SCABIOSA … English World dictionary
scabious — scabious1 /skay bee euhs/, adj. 1. covered with or consisting of scabs; scabby. 2. pertaining to or of the nature of scabies. [1595 1605; SCABI(ES) + OUS] scabious2 /skay bee euhs/, n. 1. Also called pincushion flower. any … Universalium
scabious — balandinė žvaigždūnė statusas T sritis vardynas apibrėžtis Karšulinių šeimos dekoratyvinis, medingas augalas (Scabiosa columbaria), paplitęs Europoje, vakarų Azijoje ir šiaurės Afrikoje. atitikmenys: lot. Scabiosa columbaria angl. pigeon s… … Lithuanian dictionary (lietuvių žodynas)
scabious — I. noun Etymology: Middle English scabiose, from Anglo French, from Medieval Latin scabiosa, from Latin, feminine of scabiosus, adjective Date: 14th century any of a genus (Scabiosa) of Old World herbs of the teasel family with terminal flower… … New Collegiate Dictionary
scabious — sca·bi·ous skā bē əs adj 1) relating to or characterized by scabs 2) of, relating to, or resembling scabies <scabious eruptions> … Medical dictionary
scabious — sca|bi|ous1 [ skeıbiəs ] noun count or uncount a plant with round blue, pink, or white flowers scabious sca|bi|ous 2 [ skeıbiəs ] adjective FORMAL affected with scabies … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
scabious — [ skeɪbɪəs] noun a plant of the teasel family, with blue, pink, or white pincushion shaped flowers. [Scabiosa, Knautia, and other genera: several species, including the devil s bit scabious.] adjective affected with mange; scabby. Origin ME:… … English new terms dictionary
scabious — žvaigždūnė statusas T sritis vardynas apibrėžtis Karšulinių (Dipsacaceae) šeimos augalų gentis (Scabiosa). atitikmenys: lot. Scabiosa angl. mourning bride; scabiosa; scabious vok. Grindkraut; Skabiose rus. вдовушки; скабиоза lenk. driakiew;… … Dekoratyvinių augalų vardynas