sayable — /say euh beuhl/, adj. 1. of the sort that can be said or spoken; utterable: He felt a great deal that was not sayable. 2. capable of being said or stated clearly, effectively, etc.: The speech is as sayable today as when Demosthenes first… … Universalium
sayable — ˈsāəbəl adjective Etymology: say (I) + able 1. : capable of being said what he felt was not easily sayable 2. : capable of being spoken effectively or easily the piece is sayable like a speech in a great play J.M.Barzun … Useful english dictionary
sayable — adjective Date: 1856 1. capable of being said 2. capable of being spoken effectively or easily < readings in sayable Chinese Linguistic Reporter > … New Collegiate Dictionary
sayable — say ► VERB (says; past and past part. said) 1) utter words so as to convey information, an opinion, an instruction, etc. 2) (of a text or symbol) convey information or instructions. 3) (of a clock or watch) indicate (a time). 4) (be said) be… … English terms dictionary
sayable — adjective a) Capable of being pronounced or uttered; articulable. b) Susceptible of being stated clearly or effectively … Wiktionary
sayable — adj. can be said, can be uttered; can be expressed … English contemporary dictionary
sayable — say·able … English syllables
sayable — say•a•ble [[t]ˈseɪ ə bəl[/t]] adj. 1) of the sort that can be said or spoken 2) capable of being said or stated clearly, effectively, etc • Etymology: 1855–60 … From formal English to slang
Gwoyeu Romatzyh — Traditional Chinese 國語羅馬字 Simplified Chinese … Wikipedia
Pythagoreans and Eleatics — Edward Hussey PYTHAGORAS AND THE EARLY PYTHAGOREANS Pythagoras, a native of Samos, emigrated to southern Italy around 520, and seems to have established himself in the city of Croton. There he founded a society of people sharing his beliefs and… … History of philosophy
Simon Toparovsky — is an American artist, most notable for his bronze crucifix above the main altar of the Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angels in Los Angeles.Early careerAfter art school, Simon apprenticed to hand bookbinders in the U.S. and England, studying… … Wikipedia