- saxhorn
- [ʹsækshɔ:n] n муз.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Saxhorn — basse Les saxhorns constituent une sous famille d instruments de musique, de la famille des cuivres à perce conique. C est en quelque sorte la déclinaison d Adolphe Sax des tubas. L instrumentiste jouant du saxhorn est appelé saxhorniste.… … Wikipédia en Français
saxhorn — SAXHÓRN, saxhornuri, s.n. Instrument muzical de suflat făcut din alamă, întrebuinţat în fanfare şi orchestre. – Din fr. saxhorn, germ. Saxhorn. Trimis de LauraGellner, 17.07.2004. Sursa: DEX 98 saxhórn s. n., pl. saxhórnuri Trimis de siveco, 10 … Dicționar Român
saxhorn — [ saksɔrn ] n. m. • 1846; de Sax, nom de l inventeur, et all. Horn « cor » ♦ Mus. Instrument de musique à vent en cuivre, à embouchure et à pistons. ● saxhorn nom masculin (de Sax, nom propre, et allemand Horn, cor) Instrument de musique à air,… … Encyclopédie Universelle
Saxhorn — Sax horn , n. (Mus.) A name given to a numerous family of brass wind instruments with valves, invented by Antoine Joseph Adolphe Sax (known as Adolphe Sax), of Belgium and Paris, and much used in military bands and in orchestras. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Saxhorn — nannte Adolphe Sax (s. Sax 1) die von ihm in sieben Größen gebauten, vom alten Bügelhorn (s. d.) abstammenden chromatischen Blechblasinstrumente weiter Mensur mit Ventilen, die in Deutschland die Namen Piccolo in Es, Flügelhorn in B, Althorn in… … Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon
saxhorn — [saks′hôrn΄] n. [after A. J. Sax (1814 94), Belgian inventor] any of a group of valved brass band instruments, with a full, even tone and a wide range … English World dictionary
Saxhorn — The saxhorn is a valved brass instrument with a tapered bore and deep cup shaped mouthpiece. The sound has a characteristic mellow quality, and blends well with other brass.The saxhorn familyThe saxhorns form a family of seven instruments… … Wikipedia
Saxhorn — (Junge mit) Bügelhorn, „Entfant de troupe“, Eva Gonzales, 1870 Zur Familie der Bügelhörner gehören Blechblasinstrumente, die durch ihre weite Mensur mit dem Horn verwandt sind (Horninstrumente). Nach der Bauart des belgischen… … Deutsch Wikipedia
saxhorn — noun Etymology: Antoine Sax died 1894 Belgian instrument maker + English horn Date: 1844 any of a group of valved brass instruments ranging from soprano to bass and characterized by a conical tube, oval shape, and cup shaped mouthpiece … New Collegiate Dictionary
saxhorn — /saks hawrn /, n. any of a family of brass instruments close to the cornets and tubas. [1835 45; named after A. Sax (1814 94), a Belgian who invented such instruments] * * * ▪ musical instrument any of a family of brass wind instruments… … Universalium
saxhorn — noun Any of a group of similar brass instruments, resembling a bugle in shape, but with valves … Wiktionary