
1. [ʹsɔ:ntə] n
1. 1) прогулка; гулянье

to take an evening saunter - совершать вечернюю прогулку

2) медленная ходьба, неторопливое движение

he continued his deliberate saunter about the room - он продолжал не спеша ходить по комнате

2. медленная, ленивая походка

to come along at a saunter - подходить /идти/ неторопливой походкой /не спеша/

3. бесцельная ходьба, фланирование
2. [ʹsɔ:ntə] v
1. 1) прогуливаться, гулять не спеша

to saunter through the town - прогуливаться /гулять, бродить/ по городу

2) двигаться медленно, неторопливо

to saunter across the road - не спеша перейти улицу

to saunter down the hill - медленно /не спеша/ спускаться с горы

2. ходить неторопливой походкой

to saunter lazily - лениво передвигаться; еле-еле брести

3. фланировать, бесцельно бродить; слоняться

to saunter through life - жить, не утруждая себя никакой работой, пробездельничать всю жизнь

to saunter away one's time - бесцельно растрачивать время

4. копаться, мешкать

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "saunter" в других словарях:

  • saunter — saunter, stroll, amble can all mean to walk slowly and more or less aimlessly, especially in the open air. Saunter suggests a leisurely pace and an idle and carefree mind (sauntering about the streets, loitering in a coffeehouse Fielding) {he had …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • Saunter — Saun ter, n. A sauntering, or a sauntering place. [1913 Webster] That wheel of fops, that saunter of the town. Young. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Saunter — Saun ter, v. i. [imp. & p. p. {Sauntered}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Sauntering}.] [Written also santer.] [Probably fr. F. s aventurer to adventure (one s self), through a shortened form s auntrer. See {Adventure}, n. & v.] To wander or walk about idly… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • saunter — [n] stroll airing, amble, constitutional, promenade, ramble, turn, walk; concept 151 Ant. run saunter [v] stroll along amble, ankle, dally, drift, linger, loiter, meander, mope*, mosey*, ooze*, percolate, promenade, ramble, roam, rove, sashay,… …   New thesaurus

  • saunter — index perambulate Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …   Law dictionary

  • saunter — ► VERB ▪ walk in a slow, relaxed manner. ► NOUN ▪ a leisurely stroll. ORIGIN of unknown origin …   English terms dictionary

  • saunter — [sôn′tər] vi. [LME santren, to muse, meditate < ?] to walk about idly; stroll n. 1. a leisurely and aimless walk; stroll 2. a slow, leisurely gait saunterer n …   English World dictionary

  • saunter — UK [ˈsɔːntə(r)] / US [ˈsɔntər] verb [intransitive] Word forms saunter : present tense I/you/we/they saunter he/she/it saunters present participle sauntering past tense sauntered past participle sauntered to walk in a slow and relaxed way Derived… …   English dictionary

  • saunter — {{11}}saunter (n.) a leisurely stroll, 1828, from SAUNTER (Cf. saunter) (v.). {{12}}saunter (v.) late 15c., santren to muse, be in reverie, of uncertain origin. Meaning walk with a leisurely gait is from 1660s, and may be a different word… …   Etymology dictionary

  • saunter — [[t]sɔ͟ːntə(r)[/t]] saunters, sauntering, sauntered VERB If you saunter somewhere, you walk there in a slow, casual way. [V prep/adv] We watched our fellow students saunter into the building... [V prep/adv] He sauntered along the river to the… …   English dictionary

  • saunter — v. (P; intr.) to saunter along the street * * * [ sɔːntə] (P; intr.) to saunter along the street …   Combinatory dictionary

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