- saturnalian
- [͵sætəʹneılıən] a
1. относящийся к сатурналиям (в Древнем Риме)2. (saturnalian) носящий характер вакханалии, разгульный, разнузданный
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Saturnalian — Sat ur*na li*an, a. 1. Of or pertaining to the Saturnalia. [1913 Webster] 2. Of unrestrained and intemperate jollity; riotously merry; dissolute. Saturnalian amusement. Burke. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Saturnalian — [sat΄ərnā′lē ən, sat΄ərnāl′yən] adj. 1. of the Saturnalia 2. [s ] riotously merry or orgiastic * * * … Universalium
Saturnalian — [sat΄ərnā′lē ən, sat΄ərnāl′yən] adj. 1. of the Saturnalia 2. [s ] riotously merry or orgiastic … English World dictionary
saturnalian — | ̷ ̷ ̷ ̷|nālyən, lēən adjective 1. usually capitalized : of or relating to the ancient Roman Saturnalia 2. often capitalized : characterized by unrestrained emotion or licentious indulgence : orgiastic feast days with their … games and… … Useful english dictionary
saturnalian — adjective see saturnalia … New Collegiate Dictionary
Saturnalian — adjective Of or pertaining to Saturnalia … Wiktionary
saturnalian — a. Riotous, licentious, sportive, loose, dissolute … New dictionary of synonyms
saturnalian — sat·ur·na·lian … English syllables
saturnalian — Wild and unrestrained, usually referring to a riotous party … Grandiloquent dictionary
Saturnalia — Saturnalian, adj. /sat euhr nay lee euh, nayl yeuh/, n., pl. Saturnalia, Saturnalias. 1. (sometimes used with a pl. v.) the festival of Saturn, celebrated in December in ancient Rome as a time of unrestrained merrymaking. 2. (l.c.) unrestrained… … Universalium
Mummers Parade — A group of comic mummers in the 2005 parade The Mummers Parade is held each New Year s Day in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Local clubs (usually called New Years Associations ) compete in one of four categories (Comics, Fancies, String Bands, and… … Wikipedia