bastinado — [bas΄tə näd′ō, bas΄tənā′dō] n. pl. bastinadoes [Sp bastonada < bastón, a stick] 1. a beating or blow with a stick, usually on the soles of the feet, esp. as a method of punishment 2. a rod, stick, or cudgel: Also bastinade [bas΄tənād′] vt.… … English World dictionary
Bastinado — Bas ti*na do, n.; pl. {Bastinadoes}. [Sp. bastonada (cf. F. bastonnade), fr. baston (cf. F. b[^a]ton) a stick or staff. See {Baston}.] [1913 Webster] 1. A blow with a stick or cudgel. [1913 Webster] 2. A sound beating with a stick or cudgel.… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Bastinado — Bas ti*na do, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Bastinadoed}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Bastinadoing}.] To beat with a stick or cudgel, especially on the soles of the feet. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
bastinado — index beat (strike), cudgel, lash (strike) Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
bastinado — (n.) 1570s, from Sp. bastonada a beating, cudgeling, from baston stick, from L.L. bastum (see BATON (Cf. baton)) … Etymology dictionary
Bastinado — Unter Bastonade oder Bastinado (franz. Bastonnade, auch ital. bastonata, „schlagen, prügeln“ bzw. baston/baton, „der Schlagstock“) versteht man eine uralte Prügelstrafe, insbesondere in nahöstlichen und fernöstlichen Ländern. Im Arabischen ist… … Deutsch Wikipedia
bastinado — I. noun or bastinade (plural nadoes or nades) Etymology: Spanish bastonada, from bastón stick, from Late Latin bastum Date: 1572 1. a blow with a stick or cudgel 2. a. a beating especially with a stick b … New Collegiate Dictionary
bastinado — /bas teuh nay doh, nah doh/, n., pl. bastinadoes, v., bastinadoed, bastinadoing. n. 1. a mode of punishment consisting of blows with a stick on the soles of the feet or on the buttocks. 2. a blow or a beating with a stick, cudgel, etc. 3. a stick … Universalium
bastinado — 1. noun a) A blow with a stick or cudgel. b) A sound beating with a stick or cudgel, specifically: A form of punishment among the Turks, Chinese, and others, consisting in beating an offender on the soles of his feet. 2. verb To punish someone by … Wiktionary
Bastinado — Beating, a mode of punishment common in the East. It is referred to by the rod of correction (Prov. 22:15), scourging (Lev. 19:20), chastising (Deut. 22:18). The number of blows could not exceed forty (Deut. 25:2, 3) … Easton's Bible Dictionary
bastinado — v. blow or beat with a club; punish by beating on the soles of the feet with a stick n. blow, beating (on the buttocks or soles of the feet); stick, rod, cudgel … English contemporary dictionary