- saturday
- [ʹsætədı] n
on Saturday - в субботу
by Saturday - к субботе
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
on Saturday - в субботу
by Saturday - к субботе
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Saturday — O.E. Sæterdæg, Sæternesdæg, lit. day of the planet Saturn, from Sæternes (gen. of Sætern; see SATURN (Cf. Saturn)) + O.E. dæg day. Partial loan translation of L. Saturni dies Saturn s day (Cf. Du. zaterdag, O.Fris. saterdi, M.L.G … Etymology dictionary
Saturday — Sat ur*day (?; 48), n. [OE. Saterday, AS. S[ae]terd[ae]g, S[ae]ternd[ae]g, S[ae]ternesd[ae]g, literally, Saturn s day, fr. L. Saturnus Saturn + AS. d[ae]g day; cf. L. dies Saturni.] The seventh or last day of the week; the day following Friday… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Saturday — (engl., spr. Sätterdeh), Sonnabend … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
Saturday — (engl., spr. ßätterde), Sonnabend … Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon
Saturday — see Friday … Modern English usage
Saturday — ► NOUN ▪ the day of the week before Sunday and following Friday. ORIGIN Old English, translation of Latin Saturni dies day of Saturn … English terms dictionary
Saturday — [sat′ər dā΄; ] occas. [, sat′ərdē΄] n. [ME Saterdai < OE Sæterdæg, akin to MDu Saterdagh < WGmc half transl. of L Saturni dies, Saturn s day, transl. of Gr Kronou hēmera, Cronus day] the seventh and last day of the week: abbrev. Sat, Sa, or … English World dictionary
Saturday — For other uses, see Saturday (disambiguation). Saturnus, Caravaggio, 16th c. Saturday ( … Wikipedia
Saturday — Cette page d’homonymie répertorie les différents sujets et articles partageant un même nom. Le mot Saturday (samedi, en anglais) entre dans de nombreux titres : Sommaire 1 Cinéma 2 Jeu vidéo … Wikipédia en Français
Saturday — Sat|ur|day [ˈsætədi, deı US ər ] n [U and C] written abbreviation Sat. [Date: 800 900; Origin: Translation of Latin Saturni dies day of Saturn ] the day between Friday and Sunday on Saturday ▪ We went for a picnic on Saturday. ▪ The festivities… … Dictionary of contemporary English
Saturday — noun (C, U) the day between Friday and Sunday. In Britain, Saturday is considered the sixth day of the week, and in the US it is considered the seventh day of the week: on Saturday: We went for a picnic on Saturday. | Deats always goes home on… … Longman dictionary of contemporary English